Studies in American Fiction strongly prefers electronic submissions; potential contributors should send queries or submissions in Word (.doc or .docx) format to BOTH Duncan Faherty (duncan.faherty@qc.cuny.edu) AND Maria Farland (farland@fordham.edu). A confirmation email will be sent within five days of receipt; if not, please email to confirm that the submission has been received. Any hard copies should be sent to the Editors at:
Studies in American Fiction
c/o Duncan Faherty
Department of English
Queens College
Flushing, NY 11367-1597
Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th ed. Manuscripts should be double-spaced, with one-inch margins, in Times New Roman, 12 pt. font. Submissions should not exceed 11,000 words, including endnotes.
Please supply an abstract of 100 or fewer words with your paper.
Please note that readers' reports are not automatically given. It is SAF policy not to return manuscripts unless a SASE is included.
The Hopkins Press Journals Ethics and Malpractice Statement can be found at the ethics-and-malpractice page.
Submission Policy. All submissions to Studies in American Fiction (SAF) must be original work, and may not be under consideration elsewhere. We print essays that are in the range of 8,000-10,000 words, excluding footnotes (we do not consider longer work). We do not consider book reviews, translations, reprints, or any work that is not a scholarly essay devoted to works of American fiction, broadly defined.
Type of preliminary review. Upon receipt, the editorial group at SAFcarefully screens submitted work for suitability. “Suitability” covers a wide range of considerations and does not always reflect negatively on the caliber of the submission. In general, if we sent out an essay for review, we believe that the essay has the potential to appear in the journal. The preliminary review period is generally 2-3 weeks.
Type of review. We have a blind review process, meaning that any and all identifying marks are removed from the essay prior to its being sent to readers. In general, we specify a two-month period for the completion of the review. We ask readers to submit a report of approximately 400-500 words, though suggested revisions may run longer. The criteria for review include: 1) original contribution to the field of study; 2) engagement with critical debates in the field, or in the study author and/or literary work; 3) coherence and development of the essay’s argument; 4) supporting evidence for the essay’s claims. Readers generally recommend reject, revise/resubmit; accept without revisions. The latter recommendation is rare.
Revisions/Re-review. In the majority of cases, readers recommend revisions. The essay is returned to the author with two reports, and the time for revisions is at the author’s discretion, though in ordinary circumstances we recommend a minimum of 6 weeks. If the requested revisions are minor, the essay is then reviewed by the editorial group. If the requested revisions are more ambitious, the essay is returned to the readers. After acceptance the essay is assigned a publication date. By design, essays accepted to SAF go into print fairly quickly—ordinarily within one year of acceptance.
Maria Farland, Fordham University
Duncan Faherty, Queens College and The CUNY Graduate Center
Edward Cahill, Fordham University
Leonard Cassuto, Fordham University
Kandice Chuh, The CUNY Graduate Center
Daniel Contreras, Fordham University
Glenn Hendler, Fordham University
Hildegard Hoeller, College of Staten Island and The CUNY Graduate Center
Eric Lott, The CUNY Graduate Center
Julie C. Kim, Fordham University
Robert F. Reid-Pharr, The CUNY Graduate Center
David Reynolds, The CUNY Graduate Center
Joan Richardson, The CUNY Graduate Center
Siân Silyn Roberts, Queens College (CUNY)
Rebecca Sanchez, Fordham University
Jordan Stein, Fordham University
Rachel Adams, Columbia University
Walter Benn Michaels, University of Illinois at Chicago
Lawrence Buell, Harvard University
Michelle Burnham, Santa Clara University
Amy Hungerford, Yale University
Christopher Looby, UCLA
Louis Menand, Harvard University
Monica Miller, Barnard College
Sianne Ngai, UCLA
Shirley Samuels, Cornell University
Sara Jane Stoner, The CUNY Graduate Center
Paul Thifault, Springfield College
Send books for review to:
Maria Farland, English Department
Fordham University
Rose Hill Campus
441 East Forham Road
Bronx, NY 10458
Please send book review copies to the contact above. Review copies received by the Johns Hopkins University Press office will be discarded.
Source: Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory.
0.1 (2023)
0.2 (Five-Year Impact Factor)
0.00016 (Eigenfactor™ Score)
Rank in Category (by Journal Impact Factor):
Note: While journals indexed in AHCI and ESCI receive a JIF from the 2022 release in June 2023 onward, journals in the 25 arts & humanities categories will not receive ranks, quartiles, or percentiles.
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Published twice a year
Readers include: Scholars and students of criticism and comparative studies of American fiction
Print circulation: 83
Full Page: (4.75 x 7.5”) – $375.00
Half Page: (4.75 x 3.5”) – $281.00
2 Page Spread – $563.00
May Issue – Issue 1 – March 15
October Issue – Issue 2 – August 15
Promotion (400x200 pixels) – $281.00
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All online ads are due on the 20th of the month prior to the reservation.
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