Studies in Romanticism publishes original essays on all aspects of literature and culture of the Romantic century (1750-1850). Upon submission, articles are screened by the editor and managing editor for appropriateness for the journal. Those submissions deemed appropriate then go through a double-blind peer review process. In preparing manuscripts, contributors should consult the Chicago Manual of Style, and specifically the “Notes and Bibliography” section appropriate for scholars in the humanities. Essays should be no more than 9,000 words in length inclusive of notes and bibliography, double-spaced in 12-point type using Times New Roman font, and should not have right justified margins. Footnotes should be at the bottom of the page and kept to a minimum. The first footnote for any source should include a full citation. Subsequent references to primary sources may by cited parenthetically in the text; other references should be cited as abbreviated footnotes. A quick version of the guidelines, with examples, appears online at chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide. Contributions must be in English; text quoted in other languages should include an English translation. Please save your manuscript in MS Word (.doc preferred). An abstract of no more than 300 words, headed with the title of the essay and the author’s name, institutional affiliation, and contact information, should be sent as a separate attachment. The author’s name must not be identified anywhere in the essay–neither in the text itself, nor in the footnotes, nor in headers or footers. Any self-citations should be in the third person. Use images only if they are necessary for your argument, and keep the overall number to a maximum of three. The use of Chat GPT or similar AI language-generating tools in the production of submissions constitutes academic dishonesty.
The essay should be emailed as an attachment, along with the abstract, to Jennifer Reed, the managing editor, at rommgr@bu.edu. SiR will not consider essays already published or under consideration elsewhere.
The Hopkins Press Journals Ethics and Malpractice Statement can be found at the ethics-and-malpractice page.
Studies in Romanticism publishes original essays on all aspects of literature and culture of the Romantic century (1750–1850). Studies in Romanticism will not consider essays already published or under consideration elsewhere. This includes translations of articles that have previously been published in other languages. We publish book reviews but do not publish informal articles.
Essays are submitted to the managing editor and are evaluated by the editor to determine whether or not they will be sent out for review. Submissions deemed appropriate go through a double-blind peer review process. Readers provide one of the following recommendations: (1) Acceptance, (2) Conditional Acceptance, or (3) Revise and Resubmit, and (4) Rejection. If reader evaluations conflict, the editor makes a final decision, or in some cases sends the essay out to a third reader. In cases where an author has been asked to make minor revisions, the editor alone evaluates the revised essay. If revisions are more significant, the essay may be sent back to one of the initial referees for evaluation. Once the essay has been formally accepted, it enters the publication queue. In the case of Special Issues, we typically solicit one referee for the entire issue. We aim to publish articles within one year of their acceptance.
SiR welcomes submissions of special issue topics. Successful topics would not be conference proceedings, but they may grow out of an event or collaborative project where authors worked toward a coherent and timely topic of inquiry together and then revised their essays to this end. The special issue editor/s should send a brief, abstract-length description of the topic and names of proposed contributors for initial consideration to the managing editor. If the initial fit seems good, they will be invited to submit a 6-8 page proposal similar to one for an essay collection, with project overview and argument, intended audience and significance, competing volumes/issues, abstracts of each essay, and brief details on contributors.
Special issues should consist of four to six essays of a maximum of 9000 words each including notes and bibliography. The editorial Introduction can be 5000 words maximum, and the total number of images should not exceed 15. Issue editors are responsible for submitting to the managing editor the complete manuscript conforming to the length limits, assuring the references are all according to house style, and including all images and copyright permissions per journal requirements. Special topic issues will be subject to peer review as with all manuscripts.
We also accept proposals for shorter symposia or forums focusing on the impact of a significant current scholarly work or issue within or outside literary studies, with an invited set of responses addressing this text or issue directly (similar to PMLA’s “Theories and Methodologies”). To propose a symposium or forum, follow the same procedures as for proposing a special issue (a brief initial inquiry followed by a more substantive proposal). The symposium format would consist of shorter, more polemical contributions. Interdisciplinary and/or methodologically innovative topics are particularly encouraged.
Adriana Craciun, Boston University
Ian Newman, University of Notre Dame
Jennifer Reed, Boston University
Susan Valladares, Durham University
Alan Bewell, University of Toronto
David Bromwich, Yale University
Luisa Calè, Birkbeck, University of London
Julie Carlson, University of California, Santa Barbara
Manu Samriti Chander, Rutgers University-Newark
James Chandler, University of Chicago
Linda Colley, Princeton University
Jeffrey N. Cox, University of Colorado, Boulder
James Davies, University of California, Berkeley
Mary Favret, Johns Hopkins University
Michael Gamer, University of Pennsylvania
Kevin Gilmartin, California Institute of Technology
Ian Haywood, University of Roehampton, London
Noah Heringman, University of Missouri
Theresa Kelley, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Jon Klancher, Carnegie Mellon University
Greg Kucich, University of Notre Dame
Nigel Leask, University of Glasgow
Michelle Levy, Simon Fraser University
Peter J. Manning, Stony Brook University
Patricia A. Matthew, Montclair State University
Joseph Rezek, Boston University
Charles J. Rzepka, Boston University
Stacey Sloboda, University of Massachusetts, Boston
Kenneth R. Johnston, Indiana University, Bloomington
Jerome J. McGann, University of Virginia
Morton D. Paley, University of California, Berkeley
Charles J. Rzepka, Boston University
David Wagenknecht, Boston University
The Book Reviews section provides concise, substantive assessments (approx. 1200-1500 words) of recently published scholarly titles in the field. While attending to all major works of scholarship, including new scholarly editions and essay collections, SiR takes an especial interest in reviewing first monographs and work by younger scholars.
Send all book review correspondence to:
Susan Valladares, Durham University
Presses should send any review copies to:
Dr Susan Valladares
Department of English Studies
Durham University
Elvet Riverside
Please send book review copies to the contact above. Review copies received by the Johns Hopkins University Press office will be discarded.
Source: Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory.
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