Manuscript submissions are encouraged from all responsible contributors regardless of affiliation with the Kennedy Institute of Ethics. The journal solicits in-depth articles (8,000-12,000 words) that combine detailed conceptual analysis with practical engagement. While we accept papers in all areas of bioethics, we are especially interested in publishing papers that explore ethical and social issues in science practice, and/or philosophical approaches to health, environmental, and science policy, especially those which situate philosophical and ethical issues in a global context.
Manuscript submission takes place via our online submission system at https://kiej.scholasticahq.com/.
Authors can visit the link to find additional information about submission guidelines. All manuscripts should be prepared for blind review with an abstract of 100-150 words, saved in *.doc or *.docx format, and submitted separately from author information (gathered at a separate stage in the online process). Manuscripts already under consideration at another journal will not be considered.
The Hopkins Press Journals Ethics and Malpractice Statement can be found at the ethics-and-malpractice page.
Submissions to the Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal should be original, unpublished works that are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The Editor-in-Chief does an initial review, in order to determine the suitability of a submission to the journal and its basic professional quality, and thereby chooses which papers to send out for full review. The full review process is double anonymized. Papers are generally reviewed by two referees. The journal is looking for papers that are both practically engaged and conceptually rich major contributions to philosophical ethics broadly construed. We prefer papers that address current pressing ethical and political issues, and that are situated in the philosophical literature. Papers that address topics directly relevant to a vulnerable or marginalized group must cite and engage with the relevant scholarship by members of that group, if such scholarship exists. While we encourage interdisciplinary engagement, we do not publish papers that are primarily reports on an empirical study. Papers that are given a “revise and resubmit” decision are reviewed anew upon resubmission, sometimes by the original referees and sometimes by new referees, depending on context. The review process generally takes about two months for papers that are sent out to referees.
Quill Kukla, PhD
Madeline Ward
Madeleine Leger
Alex Raycroft
Alireza Bagheri, MD, PhD
School of Medicine
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Lisa Sowle Cahill, PhD
Department of Theology
Boston College
Arthur Caplan, PhD
Division of Medical Ethics
New York University
Langone Medical Center
Alexander M. Capron, LLB
Pacific Center for Health Policy and Ethics
University of Southern California
James Childress, PhD
Department of Religious Studies
University of Virginia
Dena S. Davis, JD, PhD
Department of Religion Studies
Lehigh University
Ronald M. Green, PhD
Ethics Institute
Dartmouth College
Henk ten Have, MD, PhD
Center for Healthcare Ethics
Duquesne University
Rihito Kimura, PhD
Keisen University, Japan
Bernard Lo, MD
Department of Internal Medicine
School of Medicine
University of California, San Francisco
Joanne Lynn, MD
Center on Elder Care and Advanced Illness
Altarum Institute
Aaron L. Mackler, PhD
Department of Theology
Duquesne University
Alan Meisel, JD
Center for Bioethics and Health Law
University of Pittsburgh
Paul T. Menzel, PhD
Department of Philosophy
Pacific Lutheran University
Jing-Bao Nie, BMed, MMed, PhD
Bioethics Centre
Division of Health Sciences
University of Otago, New Zealand
Margaret A. Somerville, AuA, LLB, DCL
Centre for Medicine, Ethics and Law
McGill University, Canada
Dan Wikler, PhD
Department of Population and International Health
Harvard School of Public Health
Stuart J. Youngner, MD
Department of Bioethics
Case Western Reserve University
Source: Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory.
1.1 (2023)
1.7 (Five-Year Impact Factor)
0.00046 (Eigenfactor™ Score)
Rank in Category (by Journal Impact Factor):
46 of 77 journals, in “Ethics”
36 of 67 journals, in "Social Issues"
© Clarivate Analytics 2024
Published quarterly
Readers include: Health professionals, clergy, scholars of ethics and philosophy, lawyers, public policy makers, scientists, health care administrators, patrons of medical libraries, and others interested in ethical issues raised by advances in medicine and technology
Print circulation: 154
Full Page: (5.5 x 9") - $375.00
Half Page: (5.5 x 4.5") - $281.00
2 Page Spread - $563.00
March Issue - January 15
June Issue - April 15
September Issue - July 15
December Issue - October 15
Promotion (400x200 pixels) - $281.00
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