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Leading Across the Arc of Time

Commitment and Change in Higher Education

Mark L. Putnam

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How short-term college and university leaders, overwhelmed by the tyranny of the urgent, compromise the success and future of their institutions.

Amid mounting institutional pressures and a rapidly changing higher education landscape, leadership churn at colleges and universities represents a major roadblock to institutional success. In Leading across the Arc of Time, college president Mark L. Putnam presents a vital road map for navigating the complex dynamics of managing colleges and universities amid continuous change. This insightful work reveals the paradoxes of higher education—where...

How short-term college and university leaders, overwhelmed by the tyranny of the urgent, compromise the success and future of their institutions.

Amid mounting institutional pressures and a rapidly changing higher education landscape, leadership churn at colleges and universities represents a major roadblock to institutional success. In Leading across the Arc of Time, college president Mark L. Putnam presents a vital road map for navigating the complex dynamics of managing colleges and universities amid continuous change. This insightful work reveals the paradoxes of higher education—where innovation collides with tradition and where the pace of societal demand outstrips the capacity for institutional response.

Institutional stability requires a focus on long-term trends rather than short-term solutions and temporary interventions. Putnam articulates a vision for adaptive leadership grounded in a profound understanding of historical patterns and organizational theory. The book challenges administrators, trustees, and policymakers to embrace the slow, often frustrating process of assimilation as the pathway to meaningful change. The future of higher education depends not on rapid transformation but on thoughtful, incremental adaptation.

Putnam seeks to disrupt the current pattern of churning in leadership, planning, and decision-making that plagues many institutions and to break through the rigidities of conventional wisdom and conformity that confine leadership action. For those committed to the future of academic institutions, this book is an indispensable guide that equips leaders with the insights and creative solutions to guide their institutions with foresight and wisdom.



This thoughtful and often provocative work draws on a sophisticated understanding of change management, organizational theory, and the contextual challenges that face today's colleges and universities. It is ultimately a respectful clarion call to those who lead our institutions to reexamine not only their own individual roles, but to come together to redefine and reinvigorate our common purpose in a civil democracy.

In Leading across the Arc of Time, Putnam presents a thought-provoking exploration of contemporary dynamics shaping higher education, delving into the interplay between time, transformative forces, and enduring principles. He challenges readers to reconcile opposing constructs—such as cathedral thinking and innovation—emphasizing their coexistence as vital for education to adapt effectively to evolving conditions and to be sustained over the arc of time. 

This excellent book provides important insights into the historical and scholarly context, as well as emerging administrative practices, for implementing organizational change in colleges and universities. Mark Putnam seamlessly links foundational concepts of organizational theory with leadership, management, and governance approaches that lead to effective change and transformation in higher education.

Mark Putnam's Leading Across the Arc of Time is an intriguing guide to a job far too many are failing at. Twelve years into a college Presidency that has truly mattered, Putnam knows he owes his considerable successes to an uncanny ability to ask tough questions, particularly of himself.


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Table of Contents

Part 1: The Sound of Inevitability
1. When Time is on our Side
2. There's a Reason for This
3. Why Can't I Escape?
4. The Six-Pack of Change
Part 2: We Learn Big Things a Little at a

Part 1: The Sound of Inevitability
1. When Time is on our Side
2. There's a Reason for This
3. Why Can't I Escape?
4. The Six-Pack of Change
Part 2: We Learn Big Things a Little at a Time
5. The Presidency is not a Person
6. A Community of Trust
7. We're in this Together
Part 3: The Illusion of Control
8. Who is the Learner and What Does the Learner Need to Learn?
9. My Hands Are Tied
10. Time Will Tell

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