Breakthrough books on higher education will enable you to see your institution in the larger, and more ominous, context of higher education's challenges. About trusteeship itself, turn to How to Run a College by Mitchell and King.
Mitchell and King argue for colleges and universities to evolve, modernizing practices and monetizing assets. They examine major elements of college operations: governance, finance, enrollment advancement, academic affairs, student life and athletics
Mitchell and King have mined the latest data and case studies to help new, experienced, and future college and university presidents be successful leaders of their institutions and supporters of their students.
This fine book offers a full, balanced, and informed overview of American higher education. Indulging in neither denial nor fantasy, it lays out a concrete and common-sense strategy that promises a way forward. Everyone involved in running a college, from the president and trustees to faculty and alumni, would benefit from reading, and studying, How to Run a College.
Mitchell and King have given us an eminently practical and proactive guide to running a college. Drawing on observation, experience, and current research, they offer useful suggestions for change in order to help us 'imagine the possible.' With appropriate detail and perspicacity, they identify the interface where 'creativity and innovation meet management and process' and argue that this is 'where the future of higher education is born.' Let us make it so.
How to Run a College is a refreshingly direct, highly readable, and timely critique that provides equal doses of diagnosis and prescription. Mitchell and King’s sound and balanced analyses of the challenges facing higher education are by turns insightful, provocative, and creative. There is nothing rose-tinted or apocalyptic about their scan of the higher education environment, just good common sense, wisdom and the clear compelling message that colleges and universities must have the courage to lead if they are to remain engines of social progress and intergenerational mobility.
Mitchell and King offer compelling insights into the growing complexities of academic leadership. They charge presidents with exercising the moral courage necessary to ensure that colleges and universities will continue to fulfill our nation’s historic mission of educating for democracy. Their detailed analysis of challenges faced by institutions results in pragmatic and innovative solutions for strengthening access to excellence and equity in higher education.
Book Details
List of Illustrations
1. Governance and Management
2. Finance
3. Enrollment
4. Advancement
5. Academic Affairs
6. Student Life
7. Athletics
8. Collaboration and Technology
List of Illustrations
1. Governance and Management
2. Finance
3. Enrollment
4. Advancement
5. Academic Affairs
6. Student Life
7. Athletics
8. Collaboration and Technology
9. The Path Forward
Notes and References