Modernism/modernity has a centralized submission system, utilizing the ScholarOne web-based portal. Contributors to the journal must submit manuscripts electronically using this system, which may be accessed by clicking here. The progress of articles through editorial processing can be tracked through the ScholarOne system.
Although we welcome contributions specifically geared to the digital platform, submissions are considered for the journal as a whole, and are scheduled based on editorial needs and at the discretion of the editors. Articles should be 7,000-11,000 words, inclusive of notes. Please double-space manuscripts throughout, with one-inch margins and endnotes. Style and format should be consistent with The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th ed. or above. Before uploading, please ensure that all submissions are entirely anonymous. This means deleting any identifying information within the text of your submission. It also means deleting any identifying metadata within the document itself. If you feel your contribution is particularly suited to the Print Plus platform, please indicate this in your cover letter.
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All correspondence regarding book reviews should be directed to Stefanie Sobelle, Gettysburg College, and Martin Harries UC Irvine, at modernism.modernityreviews@gmail.com. For all other correspondence contact modernism.modernity@gmail.com.
The Hopkins Press Journals Ethics and Malpractice Statement can be found at the ethics-and-malpractice page.
Modernism/modernity (M/m) requests that all article submissions be original work, not currently submitted elsewhere. We do occasionally run previously unavailable primary material (including in translation) with suitable introductions in our “Out of the Archive” feature. Material that is clearly unsuitable for the journal is returned before peer review. We employ mutually anonymous peer review; once the submission is placed with two reviewers, we ask that it be returned within 6-8 weeks. Reviewers are asked to judge the manuscript’s suitability for M/m in particular, not merely its worth for a specialized readership.
Most revised manuscripts are returned to the original reviewers, with the same expectation for turnaround. Informal pieces, such as those for the various blogs on the Print Plus platform (https://modernismmodernity.org/), do not go through peer review, but are assigned and edited by the curators of the individual sections.
Anjali Nerlekar, Rutgers University
Stephen Ross, Concordia University
Paisley Conrad, Concordia University
Rudrani Gangopadhyay, Rutgers University
Harrington Weihl, Northwestern University (Print Plus)
Stefanie Sobelle, Gettysburg College
Martin Harries, UC Irvine
Carmen Bisignano, Rutgers University
Marcus Cook, Rutgers University
Frances Grace Fyfe, Concordia University
Matthew King, Concordia University
Mark Antliff, Duke University
David Ayers, Kent University
Sanja Bahun, University of Essex
Jessica Berman, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Robert Bird, University of Chicago
Sara Blair, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Rachel Blau Duplessis, Temple University
César Braga-Pinto, Northwestern University
Jessica Burstein, University of Washington
Michelle Clayton, Brown University
Debra Rae Cohen, University of South Carolina
Sara Crangle, University of Sussex
Santanu Das, University of Oxford
Madelyn Detloff, Miami University of Ohio
Edward Dimendberg, University of California, Irvine
Susan Stanford Friedman, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Ruben Gallo, Princeton University
Simon Gikandi, Princeton University
Maria Gough, Harvard University
Hala Halim, New York University
Faye Hammill, University of Glasgow
Elizabeth Harney, University of Toronto
Wail S. Hassan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Scott Herring, Indiana University, Bloomington
Christopher Hill, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Lena Hill, Washington and Lee University
Michael Gibbs Hill, William and Mary University
Peter Kalliney, University of Kentucky
Joan Kee, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Steven Lee, University of California, Berkeley
Pericles Lewis, Yale University
Marissa López, University of California, Los Angeles
Heather Love, University of Pennsylvania
Michael Lucey, University of California, Berkeley
Douglas Mao, Johns Hopkins University
Laura Marcus, University of Oxford
Jesse Matz, Kenyon College
Jordana Mendelson, New York University
Tyrus Miller, University of California, Irvine
Julian Murphet, University of New South Wales
Michael North, University of California, Los Angeles
Zita Nunes, University of Maryland
Liesl Olson, Newberry Library
Elizabeth Otto, State University of New York, Buffalo
Marjorie Perloff, Stanford University, emerita
Janet Poole, University of Toronto
Carrie Preston, Boston University
Harsha Ram, University of California, Berkeley
Jahan Ramazani, University of Virginia
Gayle Rogers, University of Pittsburgh
Carlos Rojas, Duke University
Roger Rothman, Bucknell University
Paul Saint-Amour, University of Pennsylvania
Ignacio Sanchez-Prado, Washington University, Saint Louis
Jeffrey Schnapp, Harvard University
Tracy Denean Sharpley-Whiting, Vanderbilt University
Cherene Sherrard-Johnson, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Anna Snaith, King’s College London
Barbara Spackman, University of California, Berkeley
Tang Xiaobing, City University of Hong Kong
Alicia Volk, University of Maryland
Mark Whalan, University of Oregon
Edith Wolfe, Tulane University
Mark Wollaeger, Vanderbilt University
All correspondence regarding reviews should be directed to Stefanie Sobelle, Gettysburg College, and Martin Harries UC Irvine, at modernism.modernityreviews@gmail.com.
Please send book review copies to the address above. Review copies received by the Johns Hopkins University Press office will be discarded.
Source: Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory.
0.3 (2023)
0.6 (Five-Year Impact Factor)
0.00083 (Eigenfactor™ Score)
Rank in Category (by Journal Impact Factor):
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Published quarterly
Readers include: Those interested in literary theory, music, the visual arts, architecture, cultural studies of history, social sciences, philosophy, and scholars of Modernism
Print circulation: 972
Full Page: (5.5 x 8") - $450.00
Half Page: (5.5 x 4") - $338.00
2 Page Spread - $675.00
January Issue - November 15
April Issue - February 15
September Issue - July 15
November Issue - September 15
Promotion (400x200 pixels) - $338.00
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