The editors invite contributions on all aspects of the eighteenth century. Essays employing interdisciplinary perspectives or addressing contemporary theoretical and cultural concerns relating to the eighteenth century are especially encouraged. Articles which are selected for publication are those which make a significant and original contribution to their field.
Article submissions are first screened for their appropriateness for the journal. Articles which are considered for publication are sent to two reviewers: one reviewer, generally drawn from the author’s home discipline, serves as a specialist in the subject matter at hand while the other, generally drawn from a second discipline, approaches the article from a broader thematic perspective. Based on these initial reviewers’ reports, the article is either rejected, returned for revisions, or passed on to the editorial board for another level of review. Once in the hands of the editorial board, each article is read by at least one additional reviewer. These editorial board reviewers make publishing recommendations to the editor, who makes the final decision regarding publication.
Manuscripts should not exceed 9,000 words, including notes. Style must conform to The Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition, with footnotes. Please consult our style guide carefully prior to submission, as failure to conform with the guidelines may result in the editorial office returning your submission. Our style guide can be found here. Quotations from foreign texts should appear in the body of the essay followed by translations. Please supply an abstract of 100 or fewer words with your paper. Illustrations are accepted if pertinent to the essay (authors must secure glossy prints or digital files and reproduction rights if the essay is accepted). It is the journal's policy to require assignment of copyright from all authors. Authors must obtain written permission for quoting unpublished or published material in excess of fair use.
Electronic submission is strongly encouraged and will aid in a speedy review process. Submissions may be sent to: ec.studies@ubc.ca
Alternatively, hard copies of article submissions may be mailed to:
The Editors
Eighteenth-Century Studies
Department of English Language and Literatures
#397–1873 East Mall (Buchanan Tower) 302
The University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1
Send books for review to:
Kathleen Lubey
Reviews Editor, Eighteenth-Century Studies
St. John Hall, B15
St. John’s University
8000 Utopia Parkway
Queens, NY 11439
The Hopkins Press Journals Ethics and Malpractice Statement can be found at the ethics-and-malpractice page.
Eighteenth-Century Studies publishes original research on all aspects of thought and culture in the long eighteenth century from across the humanities and social sciences. The editor invites submissions that will make a significant contribution to their field while simultaneously speaking to the journal's interdisciplinary readership. Upon submission, articles are screened by the editor and managing editor for appropriateness for the journal. Those submissions deemed appropriate then go through a double-blind peer review process in which readers are selected from two different disciplinary backgrounds. Readers are asked to assess the article’s argument, structure, methodology, and contribution to the field, as well as to identify the main audiences for the article. Authors can expect to receive one of three decisions within approximately three months of initial submission: accept, revise and resubmit, or reject.
Authors who submit a revision are instructed to include a list of changes they have made in light of earlier feedback, as the article may be sent back to these initial reviewers. Once an article has received positive reports from readers and/or the editor, it is sent to the editorial board for the final decision. This usually takes approximately one month. Authors should consult with the editor before submitting any pieces that fall outside the scope of a standard research essay.
Ramesh Mallipeddi, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Kathleen Lubey, St. John’s University
Oliver Bedard, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Faith E. Beasley, Dartmouth College (2025)
Benita Blessing, American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ex officio)
Margaret E. Ezell, Texas A&M University (2025)
Kevis Goodman, University of California, Berkeley (2026)
Thomas Keymer, University of Toronto (2026)
Jonathan Lamb, Vanderbilt University (2025)
Peter C. Mancall, University of Southern California (2025)
Mark Boonshoft, Virginia Military Institute (2026)
Dwight Codr, University of Connecticut (2026)
Alison Conway, University of British Columbia (2026)
Marcie Frank, Concordia University (2025)
Glenda Goodman, University of Pennsylvania (2025)
Sarah Tindal Kareem, University of California, Los Angeles (2026)
Nicholas Hudson, University of British Columbia (2025)
Scott R. MacKenzie, University of Mississippi (2025)
Ted McCormick, Concordia University (2026)
Mary Helen McMurran, University of Western Ontario (2026)
Tobias Menely, University of California, Davis (2026)
Matthew O’Hara, University of California, Santa Cruz (2025)
Liza Oliver, Wellesley College (2026)
Nicholas Paige, University of California, Berkeley (2026)
Charlotte Sussman, Duke University (2025)
Coll Thrush, University of British Columbia (2025)
Charles Walton, University of Warwick (2025)
Cheng-hua Wang, Princeton University (2025)
Masano Yamashita, University of Colorado Boulder (2025)
Chunjie Zhang, University of California, Davis (2025)
Reviews should adhere to a 1200-word length for single-title reviews (2400 words for two-title and 3600 for three-title reviews). In addition to evaluating the commissioned book, reviews must communicate that book’s purpose and contributions. Editorial board may request or require revisions at any stage of the publication process to ensure these criteria are met. The final decision to publish rests with the editorial board. ECS typically does not accept unsolicited reviews.
Send books for review to
Kathleen Lubey
Reviews Editor, Eighteenth-Century Studies
St. John Hall, B15
St. John’s University
8000 Utopia Parkway
Queens, NY 11439
Please send book review copies to the contact above. Review copies received by the Johns Hopkins University Press office will be discarded.
Source: Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory.
0.4 (2023)
0.5 (Five-Year Impact Factor)
0.00037 (Eigenfactor™ Score)
Rank in Category (by Journal Impact Factor):
Note: While journals indexed in AHCI and ESCI are receiving a JIF for the first time in June 2023, they will not receive ranks, quartiles, or percentiles until the release of 2023 data in June 2024.
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Published quarterly in October, January, April, and July
Readers include: Historians, literary critics, art historians, musicologists, political scientists, and all members of ASECS
Print circulation: 1,475
Full Page: (5.5 x 8") - $450.00
Half Page: (5.5 x 4") - $338.00
2 Page Spread - $675.00
October Issue - August 15
January Issue - November 15
April Issue - February 15
July Issue - May 15
Promotion (400x200 pixels) - $338.00
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All online ads are due on the 20th of the month prior to the reservation.
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“For more than three decades, Eighteenth-Century Studies has supplied a steady succession of provocative, engaging, substantive essays and reviews. It’s where I look first for innovative work in my field.”
–Patricia Meyer Spacks, University of Virginia
“Eighteenth-Century Studies consistently contains stimulating articles and reviews from a wide range of fields. The result is a rich tapestry of enlightening and varied scholarship and criticism.”
–Damie Stillman, University of Delaware
“Anyone interested in the eighteenth century from a wider interdisciplinary perspective will find Eighteenth-Century Studies to be an invaluable resource.”
–Colin Lucas, University of Chicago
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