The book impresses with its attentive close readings of important texts and makes a valuable contribution to gender studies of eighteenth-century Britain.
An engaging study of elite modes of early modern criminality... A richly rewarding volume that gains more than a little residual glamour from its popular subjects. The strength of the text, though, is in Mackie's incisive questioning of that glamour. This is not, finally, a book about pirates (or highwaymen, or rakes) so much as it is a study of our fascination with them.
Mackie is to be congratulated on the range, scholarship, and critical perception in her study of some disquieting resemblances between deviant masculine types and perfect gentleman.
Opens up new avenues for thinking about masculinity, gender, and authority in the long eighteenth century.
Mackie's impressive work offers a fascinating study of criminal and moral masculinity.
In this well-researched study, Mackie makes a strong case for the inclusion of alternative, criminal masculinities in understanding the development of the modern English gentleman and patriarchy in the eighteenth century. Situated at the nexus of gender theory and literary studies, her book adds to the study of modern and late modern cultural norms of gender and sexuality through discourse analysis of literary and nonliterary texts.
The central concern of this book is the transformation of the 'British gentleman' from the so-called Glorious Revolution through reformulations of patriarchy as exhibited in taste, sensibility, and virtue in the 18th century and beyond.
Mackie's book is extremely well-written and engaging, and stands as a wonderful look into categories of male types. Studies of female types have proliferated in recent years, and it is refreshing to see attention paid to the divisions among men in the eighteenth century.
The topic is lively, the writing clear, and the argument persuasive. Bringing together histories of criminality, of gender, and of manners cuts across the period in a new way that promises to produce lively debate.
Book Details
1. Historicizing Masculinity: The Criminal and the Gentleman
2. Always Making Excuses: The Rake and Criminality
3. Romancing the Highwayman
4. Welcome the Outlaw: Pirates, Maroons, and
1. Historicizing Masculinity: The Criminal and the Gentleman
2. Always Making Excuses: The Rake and Criminality
3. Romancing the Highwayman
4. Welcome the Outlaw: Pirates, Maroons, and Caribbean Countercultures
5. Privacy and Ideology: Elite Male Crime in Burney's Evelina and Godwin's Caleb Williams