This book is a gem... it will be considered a classic very quickly. People will snatch this book up faster than a box turtle devours a night crawler!
In their new book, Turtles of the World, Franck Bonin, Bernard Devaux and Alain Dupré seek to loft turtles into the limelight by showcasing the group’s diversity—its beauties, its goofies, its gargoyles.
A guide to all the world's nearly 300 species of turtles... quite an undertaking.
The volume's value lies in its up-to-date coverage of species... all readers will appreciate the wonderful color photographs, which make the book a pleasure to browse.
This superb sourcebook is the most current summary of world turtle nomenclature. Essential.
College-level holdings, many an aquarium shop, and any serious natural history collection must have Turtles of the World... Color photos pack every page and its information is well-rounded and key to any serious turtle researcher.
A comprehensive reference.
If you would like an illustrated guide to the turtles of the world, this is the book for you!
A significant book in turtle biology.
Incredibly complete guide to the world's nearly 300 species of turtles... A superb standard reference.
The publishers should be complimented on producing another attractive book for both the novice and professional herpetologist alike.