edited by Catherine Ingrassia and Jeff Ravel
With this well-illustrated new volume, the SECC continues its tradition of publishing innovative interdisciplinary scholarship on the interpretive edge.
Essays include:
Misty Anderson, Our Purpose is the Same: Whitefield, Foote, and the Theatricality of Methodism
Tili Boon Cuillé, La Vraisemblance du merveilleux: Operatic Aesthetics in Cazotte's Fantastic Fiction
Simon Dickie, Joseph Andrews and the Great Laughter Debate: The Roasting of Adams
Lynn Festa, Cosmetic Differences: The Changing Faces of England and France
Blake Gerard, All that the heart wishes: Changing Views toward Sentimentality...
With this well-illustrated new volume, the SECC continues its tradition of publishing innovative interdisciplinary scholarship on the interpretive edge.
Essays include:
Misty Anderson, Our Purpose is the Same: Whitefield, Foote, and the Theatricality of Methodism
Tili Boon Cuillé, La Vraisemblance du merveilleux: Operatic Aesthetics in Cazotte's Fantastic Fiction
Simon Dickie, Joseph Andrews and the Great Laughter Debate: The Roasting of Adams
Lynn Festa, Cosmetic Differences: The Changing Faces of England and France
Blake Gerard, All that the heart wishes: Changing Views toward Sentimentality Reflected in Visualizations of Sterne's Maria, 1773-1888
Jennifer Keith, The Sins of Sensibility and the Challenge of Antislavery Poetry
Mary Helen McMurran, Aphra Behn from Both Sides: Translation in the Atlantic World
Leslie Richardson, Leaving her Father's House: Locke, Astell, and Clarissa's Body Politic
Sandra Sherman, The Wealth of Nations in the 1790s
Alan Sikes, Snip Snip Here, Snip Snip There, and a Couple of Tra La Las: The Rise and Fall of the Castrato Singer
Rivka Swenson, Representing Modernity in Jane Barker's Galesia Trilogy: Jacobite Allegory and the Aesthetics of the Patch-Work Subject
with Hopkins Press Books