Bringing the concerns of different communities together in a single volume makes it possible to appreciate the mosaic of human issues more fully and forces us to anticipate the challenges that may arise—and that will require our attention—as the genetic revolution proceeds... A much needed antidote to the current genetic hoopla.
A cautious look at the effects of genetic discoveries on society... The issues raised by this book are valid, and all scientists should be aware of them. I often found myself nodding in agreement.
The authors present several thought-provoking issues in regard to prenatal genetic screening and selective abortion. It's a great contribution to the field.
This book superbly and successfully fills its purpose—to show the need for dialogue between researchers, health care professionals, communities, and individuals regarding various aspects of genetic technology.
Book Details
List of Contributors
Introduction: Perspectives on Perspectives
Chapter 1. Genetic Complexity in Human Disease and Behavior
Chapter 2. Geneticists in Society, Society in Genetics
List of Contributors
Introduction: Perspectives on Perspectives
Chapter 1. Genetic Complexity in Human Disease and Behavior
Chapter 2. Geneticists in Society, Society in Genetics
Chapter 3. Genetics and Behavior in the News: Dilemmas of a Rising Paradigm
Chapter 4. Advocacy Groups and the New Genetics
Chapter 5. Invisible Women: Gender, Genetics, and Reproduction
Chapter 6. Prenatal Diagnosis and Selective Abortion: A Challenge to Practice and Policy
Chapter 7. African American Perspectives on Genetic Testing
Chapter 8. Genetics, Race, and Ethnicity: Searching for Differences
Chapter 9. The Origins of Homosexuality: No Genetic Link to Social Change
Chapter 10. Diversity and Complexity in Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transsexual Responses to "Gay-Gene" Debates
Chapter 11. The Commercialization of Genetic Technologies: Raising Public Awareness
Chapter 12. Individual, Family, and Societal Dimensions of Genetic Discrimination: A Case Study Analysis
Chapter 13. Current Developments in Genetic Discrimination