A meticulous, well-structured and thoroughly referenced account of 200 years of activities... This book also serves as a field guide, complete with site maps, lists of museum displays, sources of information on sites and advice on fossil collecting. Much information has been drawn together to create a comprehensive reference source for eastern North America.
Well-written and richly illustrated... [Weishampel and Young] have succeeded admirably in capturing both the importance and the romance of the little understood and barely touched 'lost world' that lies hidden beneath the verdant but secretive eastern American landscape... An indispensable reference for anyone interested in the prehistory of eastern North America and the dinosaurs that inhabited this part of the world.
[Weishampel and Young] have written a comprehensive guide to eastern dinosaurs. They review 200 years of fossil-hunting and point out that most sites have been exposed by human activities at quarries, tunnels, canals, and building and bridge foundations... The authors describe each species and its location; sites range from South Carolina to Nova Scotia, with New Jersey and Maryland the most productive. Since the 1960s, scientific collecting has revived on the East Coast, and the authors offer advice on where to look for fossils... An admirable textbook for readers seriously interested in dinosaurs.
An enjoyable and stimulating study of a subject that has gotten little attention. Weishampel and Young present a wealth of information about the Eastern seaboard's scattered dinosaur fossils, the area's surprisingly common fossil footprints and tracks, and the collectors, both professional and amateur, who have discovered so much in an apparently unpromising region.
I know of no other book like this. It is beautifully thought out and organized, and it covers one of the most important regions in the world of fossil hunting.
Book Details
Chapter One. Dinosauria
Chapter Two. An Evolving World
Chapter Three. The Mezozoic East Coast
Chapter Four. The Pioneers
Chapter Five. Dinosaurs of the Late Triassic
Chapter Six
Chapter One. Dinosauria
Chapter Two. An Evolving World
Chapter Three. The Mezozoic East Coast
Chapter Four. The Pioneers
Chapter Five. Dinosaurs of the Late Triassic
Chapter Six. Dinosaurs of the Early Jurassic
Chapter Seven. Dinosaurs of the Early Cretaceous
Chapter Eight. Dinosaurs of the Late Cretaceous
Chapter Nine. The Modern Seekers
Chapter Ten. Dinosaur Mysteries
Chapter Eleven. East Coast Paleoprimer
Appendix One. Historical Time Line
Appendix Two. Dinosaurs Directory
Appendix Three. Dinosaur Site Maps