A must have for those with a serious interest in Ospreys.
[Poole's] excellent book is easy reading and very informative. It is also full of great color photographs and informative maps. I recommend it to anyone interested in these fascinating birds.
No other book contains as much information from everywhere within the bird's almost uniquely global range... [Ospreys: The Revival of a Global Raptor] is a very well-written, clear and enjoyable account of a bird that has almost universal popularity in the modern world... I recommend it strongly.
With such a cosmopolitan species and the breadth of topics he touches upon, Poole has done an admirable job constructing a cohesive narrative... Poole's very readable prose makes it accessible for the layperson despite the quantity of information presented... I thoroughly enjoyed reading [Ospreys: The Revival of a Global Raptor] and would highly recommend it to both novice naturalist and experienced birder alike.
Most people with any interest in natural history (and quite a few who claim no interest) know the story of the Osprey, and all of them would enjoy reading—and learn much—from this lavishly illustrated book... Poole's enthusiasm shines through, and the geographic breadth of the information he brings together is impressive.
There is no place else one could turn to read so much about what Osprey researchers have discovered in the past three decades. Full of spectacular images, this book will delight both the birding community and a vast lay audience hungry for anything Osprey related.
For three decades, Poole’s first book on Ospreys has been the bible for enthusiasts and researchers of this charismatic species. Once waning worldwide, Osprey populations have recovered, in no small part due to Poole’s efforts to raise awareness. This highly readable synthesis of current knowledge will prove just as essential.
In this gripping global survey, Alan Poole celebrates the return of one of everyone's favorite raptors. Authoritative, lyrically written, and splendidly illustrated, this book congratulates a deserving and wonderful bird that has made it back from the brink. Ospreys is an inspired story of a conservation triumph. We need more such stories.
I've eagerly awaited Alan Poole's new book on Ospreys and I'm not disappointed—this is a spectacular account of an iconic raptor known and loved throughout the world. Poole chronicles its conservation and recovery with spell-binding text and beautiful photos. A must-have book.
Over my lifetime Ospreys went from vanished to victorious because of a small number of people, including Alan Poole, author of the book in your hands. Alan has lived, breathed, worked, and thought 'Osprey' like no other human ever has. This wonderful book reflects deep knowledge driven by even deeper passion. Every time I see the Ospreys over my house, or gaze across the water at Gardiner's Island, I thank Alan Poole.
Here are remarkable facts about Osprey life history, migration, and adaptations, with insight into conservation challenges. If you care about Ospreys and their water world, this book will quickly become your go-to reference. This is a must-read for Osprey fans.
Book Details
Chapter 1. Introduction: This Famed Bird
Chapter 2. A Hawk That Fishes
Chapter 3. The Geography of Ospreys
Chapter 4. Finding Food
Chapter 5. At the Nest
Chapter 6. On the Wing: Incredible
Chapter 1. Introduction: This Famed Bird
Chapter 2. A Hawk That Fishes
Chapter 3. The Geography of Ospreys
Chapter 4. Finding Food
Chapter 5. At the Nest
Chapter 6. On the Wing: Incredible Journeys
Chapter 7. Threats and Solutions
Chapter 8. Looking Ahead