There may be no better survey of state policy in higher education than what Heller provided in his 2001 edited volume... It will come as no surprise to the higher education community that the second edition of The States and Public Higher Education Policy provides all the same benefits while situating the conversation in a more contemporary context. Faculty and students of higher education policy will be particularly appreciative because this volume will serve as the foundation for many higher education policy courses.
Affordability, access, and accountability will continue to be hot-button issues as legislators at all levels address constituents' concerns about their children's future... Any administrator who wants to gain a deeper understanding of these issues... might do well to spend some time with these essays.
Book Details
Introduction: Affordability, Access, and Accountability in Twenty-first Century Public Higher Education
Part I: Affordability
Chapter 1. Trends in the Affordability of Public
Introduction: Affordability, Access, and Accountability in Twenty-first Century Public Higher Education
Part I: Affordability
Chapter 1. Trends in the Affordability of Public Colleges and Universities: The Contradiction of Increasing Prices and Increasing Enrollment
Chapter 2. The Continuing Paradox of Public College Tuition Inflation
Chapter 3. Reforming How States Finance Higher Education
Part II: Access
Chapter 4. Reframing Access and Opportunity: Public Policy Dimensions
Chapter 5. Race-Conscious Decision-Making in a State-Driven Admissions Process: Texas, the University of Texas at Austin, and the Top Ten Percent Plan
Chapter 6. After Proposition 209: Post– Affi rmative Action College Access Policy in California
Part III: Accountability
Chapter 7. Assessing Student Learning Outcomes in College: The Role of the States
Chapter 8. Accountability Policies: Directions Old and New
Chapter 9. Responses to the Call for Public Accountability: Using Student Data Systems to Facilitate Improvement in Degree Attainment
Conclusion: State Policy and Technology: Aims, Realities, and the Uncertain Future
List of Contributors