Plants of the Chesapeake Bay deserves shelf space in the library of every Chesapeake boater who would like to understand how our Bay's ecosystem works.
Plants of the Chesapeake Bay is a beautiful book covering a beautiful region.
Dr. Musselman is a passionate botanist. Walking among plant life makes him very happy, which means he is happy most of the time, except when riding in a car stuck in a long tunnel. He will stop people on the street to tell them some great news from the plant world.
The delightful book Plants of the Chesapeake Bay is absolutely the most readable flora I have seen. It is a really unique flora among floras. The layout is excellent and captivating.
Plants of the Chesapeake Bay pairs state of the art photographs with in-depth knowledge of the plants unique to the Bay. The guide is developed logically and appropriately to what the Bay presents as various ecosystems. Beautifully written, coherent, instructive, and inclusive, with matchless photos of plants in their native habitats: The Perfect gift for the Bay-Wise explorer.
Book Details
Chapter 1. Plant Communities of the Chesapeak Bay
Chapter 2. Plants of Hyper Saline Habitats
Chapter 3. Plnats of Maritime Habitats
Chapter 4. Plants of Brackish Habitats
Chapter 1. Plant Communities of the Chesapeak Bay
Chapter 2. Plants of Hyper Saline Habitats
Chapter 3. Plnats of Maritime Habitats
Chapter 4. Plants of Brackish Habitats
Chapter 5. Plants of Freshwater Habitats
Scientific Names, Authors, and Families of Plants of the Chesapeake Bay
Index of Scientific Names
General Index