An important resource for any maritime collection, especially those with special interests in Maryland and her contributions to history and the economy.
This book will make a very nice addition to your maritime library.
A poetic dedication to the state and its maritime traditions... Including superbly reproduced color and black-and-white images, this book will hold appeal for many.
Maritime Maryland is not merely a coffee-table book, although it would grace any coffee table. It is an absorbing, interesting study that is fact-filled but not fact-driven. The text is well-written, consistently paced, and easy to read. The book has a pleasing design. It is adequately illustrated but not cluttered with pictures... It is a clearly written, perceptive and well-rounded study of a people and their relationship with the water.
An enjoyable and an enlightening read.
An absorbing, interesting study that is fact-filled, well-written, consistently paced, and easy to read.
The Free State of Maryland played a notable part throughout the War of 1812, but it also has a rich history aside from that pivotal era, and is nowhere better defined than in this new, stellar work.
A fine piece of scholarship... deserves to be welcomed by students of both maritime history and current issues in cultural resource and environmental management. And it deserves an audience far beyond the state of Maryland.
Readable overview that serves as a good introduction to a vital part of this state's history and commerce... an important resource for any maritime collection.
Book Details
1. Colonial Maritime Heritage
2. From the Revolutionary War to the War of 1812
3. The War of 1812 in Chesapeake Bay
4. The Surge of Maritime Baltimore under Sail and Steam
5. Civil War on
1. Colonial Maritime Heritage
2. From the Revolutionary War to the War of 1812
3. The War of 1812 in Chesapeake Bay
4. The Surge of Maritime Baltimore under Sail and Steam
5. Civil War on Chesapeake Bay
6. Oysters, Crabs, Fish, and Watermen
7. Maritime Commerce after the Civil War
8. The Decline of Working Sail
9. The Growth of Recreational Boating
10. Naval Installations on Chesapeake Bay
11. Maritime Archaeology and Cultural Resources
Epilogue: Our Diminishing Maritime Environment
Glossary of Nautical Terms
Essay on Sources