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Surviving Infidelity: How to Heal and Rebuild Trust
A compassionate guide to help couples survive infidelity and improve their relationship.
(Re)considering the “Alternatives”
Late in the last century, a long-form essay by Arnold Relman, former editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine, appeared in The New Republic (December 13, 1998). Titled “A Trip to Stonesville: Andrew Weil, the Boom in Alternative Medicine, and the...

DSM: A History of Psychiatry’s Bible
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association has been called “the most important book of the twentieth century.” While this evaluation is debatable, the history of the DSM is certainly one of the most interesting stories in...

Behind the Mirror – The Story of Autism Treatment Pioneer Jeanne Simons
I met Jeanne Simons, the founder of the Linwood Children's Center for Autistic Children in Ellicott City in 1983, when I was entrusted with the job to help tease out and describe the different elements of the methods she had developed to successfully educate...

Shining A Light Into the Darkness of Dementia Through Support, Encouragement, and Hope
All caregivers have defining moments in their journey that open their minds and hearts to dementia. For me, that was experiencing the tragic story of the caregiver, Peggy. Because she was dutifully doing what she had always done, loving her husband through...

Take Control of Your Drinking
I am a clinical psychologist who has worked with individuals who struggle with alcohol for over 35 years. Over the years, I discovered that how I was originally trained to work with people who suffer from alcohol use, while valid and useful for many, was not...

For the Caregivers of Someone with Depression
Mood disorders are considered a family illness for many reasons. Dealing with depression or bipolar disorder in a family – which is the focus of my new book, Helping Others with Depression – can be difficult and taxing to all members, often causing both...

Delivering Effective College Mental Health Services
It seems odd, if not incredulous, but too few college counseling practitioners, as well as the upper administrators to whom they report, receive substantial training on how to build a counseling service from the ground up. In most mental health and higher...

Challenging His Teacher’s Racism: Was Huck William James?
In his youth, William James tried on a range of career possibilities. In the 1860s, his attention was focused on a career in science. He had spent his childhood in a host of schools on both sides of the North Atlantic guided by his father, Henry James, Senior...

Behind the Book: Critical Educational Psychology
Have you ever wondered why Piaget is a household name in any discourse related to child development? Although Piaget’s theory is well ensconced in schooling discourse, Vygotsky’s view of human development is gaining a great deal of traction. Why? Grit is...