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Surviving Infidelity: How to Heal and Rebuild Trust
A compassionate guide to help couples survive infidelity and improve their relationship.
Behind the Mirror – The Story of Autism Treatment Pioneer Jeanne Simons
I met Jeanne Simons, the founder of the Linwood Children's Center for Autistic Children in Ellicott City in 1983, when I was entrusted with the job to help tease out and describe the different elements of the methods she had developed to successfully educate...

Autism Awareness Month
Nearly 50 years ago, The Autism Society declared April Autism Awareness Month - a time when organizations and individuals work together to increase awareness, understanding, and acceptance of people with autism. As medical research continues to work towards...

A Call to Vaccinate
My latest book from the Johns Hopkins University Press was written as a literary form of crisis communications. Across parts of the United States and Europe we’ve now seen a reversal of some of the great public health gains achieved over the last two decades...

Asking the Right Questions on Autism and Depression
Earlier this year, an issue of the journal Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology (PPP) featured a number of articles and commentaries separately focused on issues concerning autism and depression. Two of the authors from the issue, Aaron J. Hauptman (Chief...