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Surviving Infidelity: How to Heal and Rebuild Trust
A compassionate guide to help couples survive infidelity and improve their relationship.
Wildlife Management and Landscapes
The late William “Bill” Porter, one of the editors of Wildlife Management and Landscapes (WML), was a fan of making up adages to lighten the mood in complex ecological discussions with his students. One of my favorites was, “Ecology isn’t rocket science… it’s...

The Painted Poem
Measuring only 5 ½ x 9 7/16 inches, Giovanni Boldini’s 1879 painting Return of the Fishing Boats, Étretat, has long been one of my favorites at The Clark Art Institute in Williamstown, MA. Indeed, there are far greater paintings by Monet, Renoir, Degas, and...

The Glorious, Colorful World of Fossils
Although most people think of the fossil world in shades of drab duns, browns, and blacks, it is actually sometimes very excitingly colorful. Dinosaur eggs, for example, can shimmer blue-green, while fossil leaves can sport vivid verdant hues. In these two...

Foundations for Advancing Animal Ecology
In Foundations for Advancing Animal Ecology, authors Michael L. Morrison, Leonard A. Brennan, Bruce G. Marcot, William M. Block, and Kevin S. McKelvey examine how wildlife professionals can modernize their approaches to habitat and population management with a...
Saving Endangered Species
In his now classic 1985 publication, Michael E. Soulé posed a profound question. He asked, “What is conservation biology?” At the time, his article defined this emerging new discipline. Within his answer was an elegant, philosophical assumption. He stated...

The Beauty in your Own Back Yard - with Bryan MacKay
“An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day” – Henry David Thoreau Recalling the wise advice of the Sage of Concord, I head down a trail near my home on an unseasonably warm February morning. It has rained lightly during the night, and a humid fog...

Filled With Gratitude for Our Parks
The National Park Service (NPS) celebrates its centennial anniversary in the month of August! NPS has served as a valuable resource for many of our authors, both professionally and recreationally. To commemorate the occasion, our authors have taken to the blog...

Stephen T. Mather and His Legacy with the National Park Service
The National Park Service (NPS) celebrates its centennial anniversary in the month of August! NPS has served as a valuable resource for many of our authors, both professionally and recreationally. To commemorate the occasion, our authors have taken to the blog...

The C&O Canal & the Historic Potomac Landscape
The National Park Service (NPS) celebrates its centennial anniversary in the month of August! NPS has served as a valuable resource for many of our authors, both professionally and recreationally. To commemorate the occasion, our authors have taken to the blog...

Four places to visit in Maryland this August
Planning your weekend excursions for the month of August? Author Bryan MacKay has the inspiration you need. The following is excerpted from his book, A Year Across Maryland: A Week-by-Week Guide to Discovering Nature in the Chesapeake Region. Dolly Sods...