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New 2022/2023 Hopkins Press Titles
Cusp: Late 19th-/Early 20th-Century Cultures
Cusp: Late 19th-/Early 20th-Century Cultures is a new home for field-defining scholarship on the works, authors, artists, problems, and phenomena that defined the dynamic period from the late 19th century to the early 20th century. Cusp encourages interdisciplinary scholarship, including (but not limited to) work on literature, the visual arts and cinema, theatre studies, intellectual history, publishing, periodical studies, and music. All movements and genres will feature in the articles and reviews on its pages, from detective fiction to journalism, aestheticism to anarchism, realism to Vorticism. Our journal welcomes new perspectives on canonical authors, artists, and events of the period, as well as hitherto marginalized voices. We also intend to center a more global or transnational approach to the period. Contributions that explore literature and culture from across the globe, from Great Britain, Ireland, and North America to Europe, the Middle East, South America, Africa, and Australasia, will be an essential element in the journal’s contents.
Founded in 1948, World Politics is an internationally renowned quarterly journal of political science produced under the editorial sponsorship of the Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies at Princeton University. World Politics publishes analytical and theoretical articles, review articles, and research notes in international relations, comparative politics, political theory, foreign policy, and modernization. It does not publish strictly historical material, articles on current affairs, policy pieces, or narratives of a journalistic nature.
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity
The Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (BPEA) is a semi-annual academic conference and journal that pairs rigorous research with real-time policy analysis to address the most urgent economic challenges of the day. Working drafts of the papers are presented and discussed at the conference typically held twice each year in spring and fall. The final papers and discussion comments are subsequently published with writeups of general discussions from each conference in the journal.
J19: The Journal of Nineteenth-Century Americanists
J19 is the official publication of C19: The Society of Nineteenth-Century Americanists. Published twice annually, the journal will be dedicated to publishing innovative research on and analysis of the "long nineteenth century" (1783-1914).
New Titles distributed by Hopkins Press
Hesperia: The Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens
Hesperia is published quarterly by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Founded in 1932 to publish the work of the School, the journal welcomes submissions from all scholars working in the fields of Greek archaeology, art, epigraphy, history, materials science, ethnography, and literature, from earliest prehistoric times onward. Hesperia is a refereed journal, available in both print and electronic formats.
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Back Volumes & Single Issues
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Journal Pricing Information
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Prices are subject to change without notice.
- The 2025 Johns Hopkins University Press Journals Institutional Price List is in effect as of September 1, 2024.
- The 2025 Penn State University Press Journals Institutional Price List is in effect as of September 1, 2024.
- The 2025 Catholic University of America Press Journals Institutional Price List is in effect as of September 1, 2024.
- The 2025 Ohio State University Press Journals Institutional Price List is in effect as of September 1, 2024.
- The 2025 University Press of Florida Journals Institutional Price List is in effect as of September 1, 2024.
- The 2025 Cornell University Press Journals Institutional Price List is in effect as of September 1, 2024.
- The 2025 Indiana University Press Journals Institution Price List is in effect as of September 1, 2024.
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