The Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth welcomes submissions of original article-length manuscripts that foreground the experiences of children and youth in the past. Articles may employ age, childhood, and youth as essential analytical categories in studying the past. Articles should meaningfully engage with, and contribute to, the field of the history of childhood and youth. We accept submissions from all geographic or chronological fields.
Following an in-house editorial review, articles selected as appropriate will be anonymously peer-reviewed by relevant experts in the article’s field(s) of study.
The journal does not accept material that has been previously published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere. The journal does not publish articles that are primarily historiographical essays, critical translations, responses, or literature reviews. Manuscripts should be submitted in English with American usage and spelling.
Additional requirements include:
Manuscripts are only accepted through our online submission website: mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jhcy
Submissions are accepted on an on-going, rolling basis. Issues of the JHCY are published three times per year. Accepted articles are published in the journal within twelve to eighteen months following the manuscript’s acceptance.
Articles emailed to the editors will not be accepted. Questions about article guidelines and the review process can be sent to the Editors at JHCYEditors@gmail.com
The Hopkins Press Journals Ethics and Malpractice Statement can be found at the ethics-and-malpractice page.
The Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth publishes original articles of approximately 8,000 to 10,000 words on the history of children and youth.
Manuscripts which are undergoing review with other journals will not be considered for publication.
Editors conduct an initial in-house screening of all manuscripts for publishing suitability, scope, and rigor. If the editors decide not to send a manuscript out for external review, it will be rejected within six weeks.
Manuscripts which pass in-house review are sent out to two external peer review readers using the double-blind review system. Peer reviewers are published and established scholars, identified according to their research expertise as relevant to the manuscript.
Following external peer review, manuscripts are either 1) Accepted (with and without revisions), 2) given the option to “Revise and Resubmit," or 3) Rejected. This first round of review typically takes around eight to ten weeks.
If a manuscript is Accepted "contingent on revision", the author must address the concerns of the external reports and send editors a revised manuscript. Authors must also provide a letter which explains how the revised version of the manuscript has incorporated the readers’ critiques. The final decision on manuscripts classified as "Contingent Accept" is then made in-house, usually within three weeks of receiving the revised manuscript.
Authors who are invited to "Revise and Resubmit" their manuscript must also include a cover letter which explains how their revisions have addressed the first round readers’ concerns. Editors then send the "Revised and Resubmitted" manuscript out for a second round of external review (often to one or both of the original readers). This second round of review may take another six to nine weeks. The option to "Revise and Resubmit" a manuscript expires after six years.
Manuscripts which receive a rejection may not be resubmitted.
Dr. Holly N.S. White, William & Mary
Dr. Julia M. Gossard, Utah State University
Adriana Benzaquen, Mount Saint Vincent University
Hugh Morrison, University of Otago
Jason Matthews, Utah State University
Dr. Elizabeth Dillenburg, The Ohio State University, Newark
Dr. Jacob Doss, Texas State University
Dr. Corinne T. Field, University of Virginia
Dr. Emily Marker, Rutgers University
Dr. Ishita Pande, Queen's University, Canada
Dr. Paul Renfro, Florida State University
Dr. Patrick Ryan, Kings University College at Western University
Dr. Miranda Sachs, Texas A&M University
Dr. Julia R. Shatz, California State University, Fresno
Dr. LaKisha Michelle Simmons, University of Michigan
Nicholas L. Syrett, University of Kansas, President
Kristine Alexander, University of Lethbridge, Vice-President
Melanie Tebbutt, Manchester Metropolitan University, Past President
Kriste Lindenmeyer, Rutgers University, Camden, Secretary-Treasurer
The journal has received major support from Utah State University.
Book review editors are Adriana Benzaquen, Mount Saint Vincent University and Hugh Morrison, University of Otago.
Send books for review to:
Adriana Benzaquen
Department of History, Mount Saint Vincent University
166 Bedford Hwy Halifax,
Nova Scotia, Canada, B3M 2J6
Please send book review copies to the contact above. Review copies received by the Johns Hopkins University Press office will be discarded.
Source: Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory.
Published three times a year
Readers include: Scholars interested in the development of childhood and youth cultures and the experiences of young people across diverse times and places
Print circulation: 251
Full Page: (5 x 8”) - $375.00
Half Page: (5 x 4”) - $281.00
2 Page Spread - $563
January Issue – November 15
May Issue – March 15
September Issue – July 15
Promotion (400x200 pixels) – $281.00
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All online ads are due on the 20th of the month prior to the reservation.
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