Conveniently summarizes important arguments by leading scholars.
This valuable collection is essential for all.
A good many insightful analyses of recent events in Latin America.
Book Details
Part I: Trends in the Region
Chapter 1. Latin American Presidencies Interrupted
Chapter 2. The Crisis of Representation in the Andes
Chapter 3. Latin America's Indigenous
Part I: Trends in the Region
Chapter 1. Latin American Presidencies Interrupted
Chapter 2. The Crisis of Representation in the Andes
Chapter 3. Latin America's Indigenous Peoples
Chapter 4. Populism, Socialism, and Democratic Institutions
Chapter 5. Explaining the Left's Resurgence
Chapter 6. The Rise of Populism and the Left
Chapter 7. The Transformation of the Labor Arena
Part II: Case Studies: South America
Chapter 8. Argentina: From Kirchner to Kirchner
Chapter 9. Politics, Markets, and Society in Brazil
Chapter 10. Problems of Success in Chile
Chapter 11. An Unlikely Comeback in Peru
Chapter 12. Colombia Hews to the Path of Change
Chapter 13. Venezuela: Chávez and the Opposition
Chapter 14. Ecuador: Correa's Plebiscitary Presidency
Part III: Case Studies: Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean
Chapter 15. Mexico's Contentious Election
Chapter 16. The Mobilization of Distrust in Mexico
Chapter 17. Looking to Mexico's Future
Chapter 18. From Turmoil to Stability in Central America
Chapter 19. The Caribbean: Democracy Adrift?