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Info page for book:   Redesigning Collegiate Leadership
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Redesigning Collegiate Leadership

Teams and Teamwork in Higher Education

Estela Mara Bensimon and Anna Neumann

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Most organizational theorists use the athletic team as a metaphor for the effective work group - specific players motivated to give their best performance in pursuit of a common goal. Redesigning Collegiate Leadership offers a different model, focusing instead on the complex ways that members of a leadership team interact, wield power, use language, and creat meaning. Estela Mara Bensimon and Anna Neumann describe the team as a culture and argue that effective team leadership depends on expecting, understanding, and appreciating the differences among individuals. Using interview with members...

Most organizational theorists use the athletic team as a metaphor for the effective work group - specific players motivated to give their best performance in pursuit of a common goal. Redesigning Collegiate Leadership offers a different model, focusing instead on the complex ways that members of a leadership team interact, wield power, use language, and creat meaning. Estela Mara Bensimon and Anna Neumann describe the team as a culture and argue that effective team leadership depends on expecting, understanding, and appreciating the differences among individuals. Using interview with members of administrative teams on fifteen campuses - including research universities, public colleges, and community colleges - the authors examine teamwork as an essentially human activity.



Any president, team leader, or team builder can glean a sizable amount of wisdom from Redesigning Collegiate Leadership... The authors provide experiential knowledge on how to build and evaluate a 'real,' complex team.

Reading this work becomes a personal as well as intellectual journey of reflecting on who we are and what we might wish to become as collaborative leaders and team builders. An important journey for any administrator in American higher education today.

This book should be read by every college president, administrator, and academic leader. It challenges the assumptions about current hierarchical leadership and successfully reinforces team processes and collaborative leadership.

This excellent book is rare in its focus on leadership groups in higher education. The conceptual lens and illuminating examples should be useful both to those who study higher education and to those who 'practice' higher education leadership.


Book Details

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Leadership by Teams: The Need, the Promise, and the Reality
Chapter 2. A Different Way to Think about Leadership Teams: Teams as Cultures
Chapter 3. What Teams Can

Chapter 1. Leadership by Teams: The Need, the Promise, and the Reality
Chapter 2. A Different Way to Think about Leadership Teams: Teams as Cultures
Chapter 3. What Teams Can Do: How Leaders Use-and Neglect to USe-Their Teams
Chapter 4. Making Teams Work: The Art of Thinking Together
Chapter 5. Searching for a Good Team
Chapter 6. The Relational and Interpretive Work of Team Building
Chapter 7. Reconstructing Collegiate Leadership as a Collective Practice
Chapter 8. toward the Creation of Teams Tha Lead, Act, and Think Together
Appendix A: Sample Interview Protocol
Appendix B: Cognitive and Functional Complexity of Sample Teams

Author Bios
Featured Contributor

Estela Mara Bensimon

Estela Mara Bensimon teaches at the Center for the Study of Higehr Education at Pennsylvania State University. She is co-director of the Organizational Structures and Policies Project for the National center for Postecondary Teaching, Learning, and Assessment.
Anna Neumann
Featured Contributor

Anna Neumann

Anna Neumann is a professor of higher education at Teachers College, Columbia University. She is the author of Professing to Learn: Creating Tenured Lives and Careers in the American Research University.