Very well conceived!
This is an original, substantial, and long-needed contribution. The introduction places the subject in context and shows how lizards can provide unique information not readily available through study of other organisms. The book is logically organized, beginning with a focus on individual variation, moving to comparisons between populations, and finishing with species comparisons. Readers with a general interest in social behavior will be drawn to peruse other sections where they will find, as I did, an abundance of additional interesting and informative material.
Book Details
List of Contributors
Introduction: The Evolutionary Study of Social Behavior and the Role of Lizards as Model Organisms
Part I: Variation Among Individuals
Chapter 1. Intra- and
List of Contributors
Introduction: The Evolutionary Study of Social Behavior and the Role of Lizards as Model Organisms
Part I: Variation Among Individuals
Chapter 1. Intra- and Intersexual Variation in Social Behavior: Effects of Ontogeny, Phenotype, Resources, and Season.
Chapter 2. Evolution and Maintenance of Social Status–Signaling Badges: Experimental Manipulations in Lizards.
Chapter 3. Ecological and Social Contexts for the Evolution of Alternative Mating Strategies.
Chapter 4. Social Behavior and Antipredatory Defense in Lizards.
Part II: Variation Among Populations
Chapter 5. Sexual Selection, Social Behavior, and the Environmental Potential for Polygyny.
Chapter 6. Intraspecific Variation in Sexual Dimorphism and Mating System in Relation to Interisland Differences in Predation Pressure.
Chapter 7. Island Biogeography of Morphology and Social Behavior in the Lava Lizards of the Galapagos Islands.
Part III: Variation Among Species
Chapter 8. Endocrinology of Species Differences in Sexually Dichromatic Signals: Using the Organization and Activation Model in a Phylogenetic Framework.
Chapter 9. The Interplay Among Environment, Social Behavior, and Morphology: Iguanid Mating Systems.
Chapter 10. Social Behavior at High and Low Elevations: Environmental Release and Phylogenetic Effects in Liolaemus.
Chapter 11. Sexual Dimorphism in Body Size and Shape in Relation to Habitat Use Among Species of Caribbean Anolis Lizards.
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