There is no map for thriving as a dean, but this handbook offers an essential guidebook and compass for the journey. Both informed and inspired, it is above all humane in presenting the purpose, practice, and privilege of a dean's good work.
Academic deans, both new and seasoned, will benefit enormously from this collection of ruminations by experienced and successful academic leaders on the issues that are most prominent and often most vexing for those who enter the arena of academic leadership. For newcomers to the deanery, this handbook will be an eye-opener; and for veteran deans, a helpful reminder of both first principles and best practices.
ACAD meetings and electronic communications are marked by collaboration and by sharing means for encouraging faculty and student success. The handbook exemplifies that spirit of collaboration as members articulate their candid and helpful recommendations for enhancing work with faculty and students.
ACAD has created an extraordinary resource for the entire postsecondary community. For new and seasoned deans alike, the ACAD handbook offers a wealth of generous, wise, and practical guidance. Presenting lessons learned both from lived experiences and from organizational scholarship, the handbook will help deans succeed in their myriad essential roles.
In the 4th edition of the Resource Handbook for Academic Deans, ACAD members have once again assembled a wealth of invaluable information that every academic leader should have in their library. From timely topics such as equity and social justice, to the timeless topics of accreditation and succession planning, colleagues from across the country share their knowledge, experience, and expertise to make the job of serving as a dean feel a little less lonely and a whole lot easier.
This comprehensive and timely volume offers practical advice, insightful leadership principles, and inspiration from authors with deep experience as academic deans. It is an outstanding source of support for those who have taken on this challenging role.
Whether one is a veteran academic administrator or one just appointed, there is much to learn and absorb in this volume. The mix of practical advice, philosophical contexts, and reminders of why we do this important work speaks to all university administrators. Academic leadership has become increasingly challenging in recent years with enrollment declines, budget cuts, and the pandemic, but the Resource Handbook gives us the confidence to plunge into the work.
Book Details
Preface, by Mike Wanous
Andrew Adams
I. Leadership Insights
1 A President's Letter to a New Dean or Academic Leader
Philip A. Glotzbach
2 Purpose-Driven Leadership: The Value
Preface, by Mike Wanous
Andrew Adams
I. Leadership Insights
1 A President's Letter to a New Dean or Academic Leader
Philip A. Glotzbach
2 Purpose-Driven Leadership: The Value in "Finding Your Why"
Courtney B. Smith
II. Leadership and National Contexts
3 The Critical Role of Historically Black Colleges and Universities in Higher Education
Hideko Sera and Kendrick T. Brown
4 How Academic Leaders Can Bend Their Institutions toward Racial Justice
Paula O'Loughlin and Jeffrey Ratliff-Crain
5 Navigating the Civil Rights and Social Justice Landscape
O. John Maduko
6 Working toward Greater Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: The Benefits of Wearing Multiple Hats
Jamila Bookwala
7 Understanding Higher-Education Policy in Order to Manage Risk and Achieve Equity
Margaret Brown Marsden
III. Leadership and Partnerships
8 Educational Ecosystems for Equity
Margaret Hunter
9 Searching for the Butterfly: The Dean's Engagement with Internal and External Partners
Del Doughty
10 Higher Education and Community Collaborations in Times of Crisis
Josephine Mendoza Kershaw
11 Using Institutional Expertise to Foster Connections through Local Leadership Development Programs
Ross Peterson-Veatch
12 Building Reciprocal Relationships for Careers and Lifelong Learning
Cheryl Bailey and Wendy A. Weaver
13 Narratives That Connect Our Collective Communities: Integrated Learning at St. Catherine University
Tarshia L. Stanley
IV. Leadership and the Institution
14 Working with the Upper Administration and Leadership Team
Gregor Thuswaldner
15 Key Components of a Successful Relationship with the Advancement Office
Michele Yapsuga Ewing and Elaine Meyer-Lee
16 There Is No Known Limit to the Capacity of the Human Mind to Learn, Grow, Develop, and Change
J. Herman Blake and Emily L. Moore
17 Leadership in the Transition from a College to a University
Claudine Keenan
18 Leadership and Effective Use of Institutional Structures to Advance Strategic Initiatives
Kelly H. Ball and Lilia Cuesta Harvey
19 Leading Collaborative Change for the Sustainable Future of Small Colleges and Universities
Ron Cole and Jenna Templeton
20 The Institutional Shift toward Student-Centered Campuses
Gina Hausknecht and Paula O'Loughlin
21 Leadership at the Dean's Level in Community Colleges
Vincent Wiggins
V. Leadership and the College
22 The Dean as Supporter in Chief: Spreading Joy in Academic Communities
Maria C. Garriga
23 Data-Informed Decision Making in Higher Education
Pete Skoner
24 Creating a Culture of Possibilities: Managing and Balancing Salaries across the College
George H. Brown
25 The Line outside Your Door: Principles for Managing the College Budget
Del Doughty
26 The Role of the Academic Dean in Institutional and Specialized Accreditation Processes
Ann M. Vendrely
27 Developing a Communication and Connection Plan for Success
Feng-Ling Johnson
28 Thriving as an Associate Dean: A Life-Cycle View
James M. Sloat
VI. Leadership and the Units
29 Department Chair Development and Mentoring
Jamie L. Mullaney and Elaine Meyer-Lee
30 No Small FEAT: Fostering Effective Administrative Teams
Darla S. Hanley
31 Reimagining Difficult Conversations as a Form of Leadership
Bridget Keegan
32 Mentoring to Build a Pipeline of Academic Leaders
Paula O'Loughlin, Angela Ziskowski, and Angela Bos
VII. Leadership in the Future and in the Past
33 Embracing New Joy: Returning to the Faculty after the Deanship
Lisa Jasinski
34 The Role of the Dean of the College (1964)
William C. DeVane
Andrew Adams