A major contribution to American letters, an important step in the documentation of this American genius.
Olmsted the man belongs to his own time, but his work and words continue to have meaning today. The editors are preserving a life and a work instructive for the future as well as of the past.
[S]uperbly done, reflecting credit on both the editors and publisher. A necessary addition to all university and college libraries.
[H]andsomely produced, and the editors have provided the editorial scaffolding that has become one of the major glories of American historical scholarship.
Book Details
Chapter One. Residential Communities
Chapter Two. Industrial Areas
Chapter Three. Regional and Town Planning
Chapter Four. Private Estates
Chapter Five. Academic Campuses
Chapter One. Residential Communities
Chapter Two. Industrial Areas
Chapter Three. Regional and Town Planning
Chapter Four. Private Estates
Chapter Five. Academic Campuses
Chapter Six. Residential Institutions
Chapter Seven. Grounds of Government and Public Buildings
Chapter Eight. Expositions
Chapter Nine. Summer Communities
Chapter Ten. Resorts and Hotels
Chapter Eleven. Zoos and Arboreta
Chapter Twelve. Cemeteries and Memorials
List of Illustrations
List of Repositories