[According to a survey of medical historians] the most important book of the past decade was William G. Rothstein's American Physicians in the Nineteenth Century.
Rothstein's approach is significantly different from the traditional one... he has produced a useful and stimulating work.
A very readable book that will be of value to anyone interested in nineteenth-century medicine. Taken with the existing works on the majors sects, Professor Rothstein has made a significant contribution to the field of medical history.
Book Details
Preface to the 1992 edition
Part I. Method of Analysis and Colonial Antecedents
Chapter 1. Plan of Analysis
Chapter 2. Prologue: The Colonial Period
Part II. The Regular Profession in the First
Preface to the 1992 edition
Part I. Method of Analysis and Colonial Antecedents
Chapter 1. Plan of Analysis
Chapter 2. Prologue: The Colonial Period
Part II. The Regular Profession in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century
Chapter 3. Medical Practice Among Physicians
Chapter 4. Medical Societies and Medical Licensing
Chapter 5. Medical Education
Chapter 6. Relations Between Medical Schools and Medical Societies
Part III. The Rebellion Against the Regular Medical Profession
Chapter 7. The Thomsonian Movement
Chapter 8. The Rise of Homeopathy
Part IV. The Institutionalization of Medical Sects
Chapter 9. The Therapeutics of the Regular Sect After the Civil War
Chapter 10. Stratification and Specialization in the Regular Medical Profession After the Civil War
Chapter 11. The Eclectic Sect: Successor to Botanical Medicine
Chapter 12. The Homeopathic Sect
Part V. The Rise of Scientific Medicine
Chapter 13. The Beginnings of Scientific Medicine: Surgery
Chapter 14. Bacteriology and the Medical Profession
Chapter 15. Developments in Medical Education After the Civil War
Chapter 16. The Death of Sectarian Medicine
Appendix I. Founding Dates of Important Local and State Regular Medical Societies in Selected States Before the Civil War
Appendix II. Medical Licensing Legislation in Selected States Before the Civil War
Appendix III. Sources of Citations Given in Appendices I and II
Appendix IV. Enumerations of Physicians, 185901900