Eminent 1812 scholar Hickey... explains why contemporary Americans saw the battle as a 'glorious victory'... and why Jackson and the battle continued as prominent symbols as the rest of the war gradually faded in public memory... This is a quick, enjoyable read, but Hickey's extensive use of primary sources makes it suitable for scholars too.
Donald R. Hickey, dubbed by one authority ‘the dean of 1812 scholarship,’ tells it all in this slim but lively, lucid, and entertaining account... As the hit song of 1959 goes, ‘In 1814 we took a little trip, Along with Colonel [sic] Jackson down the mighty Mississipp’.’ Anyone who wants to make that expedition should seek out Don Hickey as a tour guide.
Engaging, enjoyable, and well-written, Glorious Victory will help students and the broader public understand the War of 1812 and Andrew Jackson's mythic appeal to antebellum Americans. Penned by one of the leading experts on the War of 1812, the book offers a succinct summary of the war's causes and conduct while simultaneously presenting readers with a balanced depiction of Jackson's successes and moral shortcomings. This volume will serve instructors and students well and should foster spirited discussions on Jackson's leadership.
Book Details
1. Completing the Revolution
2. The Making of a Hero
3. The Creek War
4. The British on the Gulf Coast
5. A Glorious Victory
Suggested Further Reading