Simply the best compilation of the thinking and knowledge from the most experienced minds in intercollegiate athletics. The issues of college sports are complex and constantly evolving and in many cases not very pretty. This is a collection of top-notch work that will get everyone up-to-date!
Eddie Comeaux's Introduction to Intercollegiate Athletics is must reading for anyone interested in the complex world of college sport where so much has changed and is changing. Comeaux has brought together a talented group of knowledgeable writers. His book will help leaders understand the new course they need to follow, especially in serving the education of student-athletes.
Comeaux has provided us with a long needed text that focuses on the entirety of intercollegiate athletics. His work brings together the voices and the broad substance needed to understand this complex sector in this most exhilarating moment in collegiate athletics.
At a time of turmoil and change in college athletics at the university, conference, and NCAA levels, Introduction to Intercollegiate Athletics is valuable and vital for students of sports and society. This is a welcome teaching tool for those who seek exposure to the relationship among athletes, coaches, and universities, in subjects as wide ranging as the collective bargaining process and issues relating to race and gender. I recommend this important book for course adoption.
Book Details
Part I: Historical Analysis, Governance and Leadership, and Ethics
Chapter 1: From Sports Page to Front Page: Intercollegiate Athletics and American Higher Education
Chapter 2: Organization and
Part I: Historical Analysis, Governance and Leadership, and Ethics
Chapter 1: From Sports Page to Front Page: Intercollegiate Athletics and American Higher Education
Chapter 2: Organization and Governance of the NCAA
Chapter 3: Leadership in Intercollegiate Athletics
Chapter 4: Ethical Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics: Purpose Achieved or Challenged?
Part II: Theoretical Perspectives on Higher Education and Athletics
Chapter 5: Theoretical Tenets of Higher Education and College Athletes
Part III: The College Athlete Experience
Chapter 6: Today's College Athlete
Chapter 7: MVP: Predictors of Four-Year Transfer for Community College Athletes
Chapter 8: Intercollegiate Athletics Climate: Effects on Students, Faculty, and Administrators
Part IV: The Business Enterprise of College Athletics
Chapter 9: Taxation of College Sports: Policies and Controversies
Chapter 10: College Sports Spending Decisions and the Academic Mission
Chapter 11: The Business Model of Intercollegiate Sports: The Haves and Have-Notes
Chapter 12: Millionaire College Coaches and the Schools That Pay Them
Part V: The Significance of Race and Ethnicity Issues
Chapter 13: Cross-Racial Interaction of Division I Athletes: The Campus Climate for Diversity
Chapter 14: The Miseducation of African American Male College Athletes
Chapter 15: For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Black Feminist Thought When Feminist Discourse and Title IX Weren't Enough
Chapter 16: Conference Realignment and the Demise of the Academic Mission
Part VI: Gender Equity and Compliance Issues
Chapter 17: Effects of Titles IX on Intercollegiate Athletics, 1972-2012
Chapter 18: Key Case Law and Legislation Shaping Women's Opportunity in Intercollegiate Athletics
Chapter 19: Title IX Compliance and Intercollegiate Athletics
Chapter 20: Barriers to Leadership for Women in College Athletics
Part VII: NCAA and Member Institution Policy Concerns
Chapter 21: College Athletes' Rights
Chapter 22: Recruiting in Intercollegiate Athletics
Chapter 23: Intercollegiate Athletics and Amateurism
Chapter 24: Freedoms Lost: Exploring Social Media Policies in Intercollegiate Athletics
Chapter 25: The Atlete and University Contractual Relationship
Part VIII: The Academic Reform Movement
Chapter 26: The Dilemma of Academic Support for College Athletes: Advising to the APR
Chapter 27: College Athletes in Revenue and Nonrevenue Sports: Language, Culture, Identity
Chapter 28: Best Practices in Career Transition Programming for College Athletes
Epilogue: The Changing Landscape of Athletics in American Higher Education