... the issues treated in this book are wide reaching and cause for thought for higher educators.
... comprehensive account of contemporary post secondary education worldwide. It marshals complex and interrelated data by themes that introduce, describe and compare global higher education with remarkably little repetition in a way unlikely to be surpassed by other centres for similar research...
... readers looking for an overview of the ways globalization has driven the internationalization of higher education will appreciate the broad sweep of this volume.
[Global Perspectives on Higher Education] offers an impressive summation of Altbach’s work.
Altbach provides impressive insight into the way globalization and internationalization have impacted and changed higher education. An important contribution by the leading scholar in the field.
Phil Altbach is the pre-eminent scholar of worldwide higher education. Not only has he been immensely productive, and has contributed to the development of many country systems, he is always closely focused on university autonomy and academic freedom as the essential conditions that enable higher education to make its contribution. Global Perspectives on Higher Education is a state-of-the art repository of the best Altbach insights, supplemented by fine contributions from other leading scholars.
Higher education is key to the social, political, cultural, and economic betterment for both individual citizens and nations, and Philip Altbach is the preeminent American scholar, chronicler, and lecturer on higher education worldwide. This work will be an invaluable source for those new to the field as well as those long familiar with Altbach’s contributions.
Book Details
A Note on Sources
1. The Emergence and Reality of Contemporary Internationalization
2. Tracking a Global Academic Revolution
3. The Logic of Mass Higher Education
4. The Prospects
A Note on Sources
1. The Emergence and Reality of Contemporary Internationalization
2. Tracking a Global Academic Revolution
3. The Logic of Mass Higher Education
4. The Prospects for the BRICs: The New Academic Superpowers?
5. Internationalization and Global Tension: Lessons from History
6. Globalization and the University: Realities in an Unequal World
7. The Internationalization of Higher Education: Motivations and Realities
8. Higher Education Crosses Borders
9. The Globalization of Rankings
10. The Imperial Tongue: English as the Dominating Academic Language
11. The University as Center and Periphery
12. Research Universities in Developing Countries
13. Twisted Roots: The Western Impact on Asian Higher Education
14. Comparative Perspectives on Private Higher Education
15. Academic Freedom: International Realities and Challenges
16. The Giants Awake: Higher Education Systems in China and India
17. Academic Remuneration and Contracts: Global Trends and Realities
18. Student Political Activism
About the Authors