This welcome addition to the crustacean literature compiles, for the first time, descriptions and figures of larvae from all the different groups of crustaceans. Many are exquisite, never-before published scanning electron micrographs or light microscope photographs... One especially helpful feature is a table clarifying the many different (and often confusing) terms that have been used for the larvae of crabs and shrimps. This book is an essential reference, valuable for any natural history library.
The volume not only has the intended first-rate scientific rigor, but will also serve as a fetching and stimulating embellishment for the biologists' office desk or even home coffee table... This volume will be the definitive work on crustacean larvae for some time to come, and it will surely find its place in the libraries of academic institutions, museums, and many biologists. For the price, Atlas of Crustacean Larvae is truly a bargain.
Book Details
1 Introduction
2 The Crustacean Nauplius
3 Fossil Larvae (Head Larvae, Nauplii, and Others) from the Cambrian in Orsten Preservation
4 Introduction to the Branchiopoda
5 Anostraca
1 Introduction
2 The Crustacean Nauplius
3 Fossil Larvae (Head Larvae, Nauplii, and Others) from the Cambrian in Orsten Preservation
4 Introduction to the Branchiopoda
5 Anostraca
6 Uniquely Preserved Fossil Larvae, Some with Branchiopod Affinities, from the Devonian: The Rhynie
and Windyfield Cherts
7 Notostraca
8 Laevicaudata
9 Spinicaudata
10 Cyclestherida
11 Cladocera: Anomopoda
12 Cladocera: Ctenopoda
13 Cladocera: Haplopoda
14 Cladocera: Onychopoda
15 Remipedia
16 Cephalocarida
17 Introduction to the Thecostraca
18 Facetotecta
19 Ascothoracida
20 Acrothoracica
21 Rhizocephala
22 Thoracica
23 Tantulocarida
24 Branchiura
25 Pentastomida
26 Mystacocarida
27 Copepoda
28 Introduction to the Ostracoda
29 Ostracoda: Podocopa
30 Ostracoda: Myodocopa
31 Introduction to the Malacostraca
32 Fossil Malacostracan Larvae
33 Leptostraca
34 Stomatopoda
35 Syncarida
36 Introduction to the Peracarida
37 Thermosbaenacea, Spelaeogriphacea, and "Mictacea"
38 Lophogastrida and Mysida
39 Amphipoda
40 Isopoda and Tanaidacea
41 Cumacea
42 Introduction to the Eucarida
43 Euphausiacea
44 Amphionidacea
45 Introduction to the Decapoda
46 Dendrobranchiata
47 Stenopodidea
48 Caridea
49 Astacidea
50 Gebiidea and Axiidea (= Thalassinidea)
51 Achelata
52 Polychelida
53 Anomura
54 Brachyura
55 Summary and Synopsis