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Wildlife in Airport Environments

Preventing Animal–Aircraft Collisions through Science-Based Management

edited by Travis L. DeVault, Bradley F. Blackwell, and Jerrold L. Belant

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A comprehensive overview of wildlife issues facing airports and how to minimize conflicts.

Winner of the NWRC Publication Award of the National Wildlife Research Center

The pilot watches the instrument panel and prepares for touchdown—a routine landing until a burst of birds, a coyote, or a herd of deer crosses the runway! Every year, pilots experience this tension and many aircraft come into direct contact with birds and other wildlife, resulting in more than one billion dollars in damage annually. The United States Federal Aviation Administration has recorded a rise in these incidents over the...

A comprehensive overview of wildlife issues facing airports and how to minimize conflicts.

Winner of the NWRC Publication Award of the National Wildlife Research Center

The pilot watches the instrument panel and prepares for touchdown—a routine landing until a burst of birds, a coyote, or a herd of deer crosses the runway! Every year, pilots experience this tension and many aircraft come into direct contact with birds and other wildlife, resulting in more than one billion dollars in damage annually. The United States Federal Aviation Administration has recorded a rise in these incidents over the past decade due to the combined effects of more reporting, rebounding wildlife populations, and an increased number of flights. Wildlife in Airport Environments tackles the issue of what to do about encounters with wildlife in and around airports—from rural, small-craft airparks to major international hubs.

Whether the problem is birds or bats in the flight path or a moose on the runway, the authors provide a thorough overview of the science behind wildlife management at airports. This well-written, carefully documented volume presents a clear synthesis for researchers, wildlife managers, and airport professionals. The book belongs in the hands of all those charged with minimizing the risks that wildlife pose to air travel.

Wildlife in Airport Environments is the first book in the series Wildlife Management and Conservation and is published in association with The Wildlife Society.

Michael L. Avery, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Jerrold L. Belant, Mississippi State University
Kristin M. Biondi, Mississippi State University
Bradley F. Blackwell, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Jonathon D. Cepek, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Larry Clark, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Tara J. Conkling, Mississippi State University
Scott R. Craven, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Paul D. Curtis, Cornell University
Travis L. DeVault, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Richard A. Dolbeer, U.S. Department of Agriculture
David Felstul, U.S. Department of the Interior
Esteban Fernández-Juricic, Purdue University
Alan B. Franklin, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Sidney A. Gauthreaux Jr., Clemson University
Michael Lavelle, U.S. Department of Agriculture
James A. Martin, Mississippi State University
Rebecca Mihalco, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Paige M. Schmidt, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Thomas W. Seamans, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Kurt C. VerCauteren, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Brian E. Washburn, U.S. Department of Agriculture



The authors did an outstanding job in collecting, analyzing, and organizing current best management practices for aviation wildlife management. I recommend Wildlife in Airport Environments to wildlife professionals and airport managers as the basis for science-based wildlife control programs.

I believe that the book should be read by airport managers, wildlife damage specialists, and wildlife professionals and students in general.

If a book like this had been available some years ago when I started my research on wildlife strikes as a human–wildlife conflict issue, it would have saved me a lot of time


Book Details

Publication Date
Trim Size
Illustration Description
53 b&w illus.
Table of Contents

Wildlife in Airport Environments
Chapter 1. The History of Wildlife Strikes and Management at Airports
Part I: Wildlife Management Techniques
Chapter 2. Behavior and Physiology in the Development and

Wildlife in Airport Environments
Chapter 1. The History of Wildlife Strikes and Management at Airports
Part I: Wildlife Management Techniques
Chapter 2. Behavior and Physiology in the Development and Application of Visual Deterrents at Airports
Chapter 3. Effectiveness of Chemical Repellents in Managing Birds at Airports
Chapter 4. Tactile and Auditory Repellents to Reduce Wildlife Hazards to Aircraft
Chapter 5. Excluding Mammals from Airports
Chapter 6. Wildlife Translocation as a Management Alternative at Airports
Chapter 7. Population Management to Reduce the Risk of Wildlife–Aircraft Collisions
Part II: Managing Resources
Chapter 8. Identifi cation and Management of Wildlife Food Resources at Airports
Chapter 9. Managing Airport Stormwater to Reduce Attraction to Wildlife
Chapter 10. Managing Turfgrass to Reduce Wildlife Hazards at Airports
Chapter 11. Wildlife Conservation and Alternative Land Uses at Airports
Part III: Wildlife Monitoring
Chapter 12. Understanding Animal Movements at and Near Airports
Chapter 13. Radar Technology to Monitor Hazardous Birds at Airports
Chapter 14. Avian Survey Methods for Use at Airports
Chapter 15. Conclusions and Future Directions
Appendix. Regulations for Wildlife Management at Airports

Author Bios
Travis L. DeVault
Featured Contributor

Travis L. DeVault, Ph.D.

Travis L. DeVault is a research wildlife biologist and project leader for the USDA National Wildlife Research Center and an adjunct associate professor in the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Aquaculture at Mississippi State University and the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources at Purdue University.