Book Details
Part I: Engaging the Issue: Masculinity and Women's and Gender Studies
Chapter 1. Making Masculinities: Book Reviews
Chapter 2. Reflections on "Male Bashing"
Chapter 3
Part I: Engaging the Issue: Masculinity and Women's and Gender Studies
Chapter 1. Making Masculinities: Book Reviews
Chapter 2. Reflections on "Male Bashing"
Chapter 3. Feminist Intentions: Race, Gender, and Power in a High School Classroom
Chapter 4. The Biology and Philosophy of Race and Sex: A Course
Chapter 5. Gender and Masculinity Texts: Consensus and Concerns for Feminist Classrooms
Chapter 6. Student Responsiveness to Women's and Gender Studies Classes: The Importance of Initial Student Attitudes and Classroom Relationships
Part II: Embodying Masculinity: Science and Society
Chapter 7. Reading Transgender, Rethinking Women's Studies
Chapter 8. Biological Behavior? Hormones, Psychology, and Sex
Chapter 9. Do Boys Have to Be Boys? Gender, Narrativity, and the John/Joan Case
Chapter 10. Reading Sex and Temperament in Taiwan: Margaret Mead and Postwar Taiwanese Feminism
Part III: Performing Social Expectations: The Domestic Scene
Chapter 11. "His Wife Seized His Prize and Cut It to Size": Folk and Popular Commentary on Lorena Bobbitt
Chapter 12. Representing Domestic Violence: Ambivalence and Difference in What's Love Got to Do with It
Chapter 13. "Non- Combatant's Shell- Shock": Trauma and Gender in F. Scott Fitzgerald's Tender Is the Night
Chapter 14. Microcredit, Men, and Masculinity
Part IV: Performing Social Expectations: The Public Stage
Chapter 15. The Hillbilly Defense: Culturally Mediating U.S. Terror at Home and Abroad
Chapter 16. The Sexual Politics of Abu Ghraib: Hegemony, Spectacle, and the Global War on Terror
Chapter 17. Uncle Sam Wants You to Trade, Invest, and Shop! Relocating the Battlefield in the Gendered Discourses of the Pre- and Early Post- 9/11 Period
List of Contributors