An ambitious analysis of the implications of globalism and cultural conflict on the battlefield of women’s bodies... Casual readers shouldn’t be dissuaded—Jacobson’s prose is accessible, and he has treated the complicated underpinnings of identity, cultural belonging, and economic motivations with respect.
What Jacobson does beautifully in his accessibly academic book is differentiate between politicized Islamist patriarchy and 'the broader Muslim community,' the former being 'a core expression of a deeper global fissure,' he explains... As globalization improves the status of many women, it also incites a ferocious backlash against them.
The breadth of engagement in terms of issues, space, time, geography, and history it traverses is the book's strength... With an accessible prose peppered with rich imagery, it has something to offer to every reader...
Of Virgins and Martyrs cleverly written with exciting prose, would be appropriate in small doses for advanced undergraduates and in full for scholars and graduate students. Jacobson must be applauded for striking a balance between breadth and depth; the book takes readers across time and place in fairly effortless fashion, while providing specifics about various cultures, such as Cuba, the Netherlands, or Pakistan.
A veritable tour de force, a gripping narrative, a fun read and a scholarly analysis of sex, power, violence, and sublimation.
A fascinating exploration of the ways in which improvements in women's lives in recent years have provoked a patriarchal backlash, sometimes with violent consequences. Jacobson shows that, while the resistance to women's emancipation comes frequently from Islamist sources, the real problem lies in the persistence of traditional masculine domination in certain areas of the world—especially the Middle East, North Africa, and the Indian subcontinent. Provocative and compelling.
Book Details
Part I: Historical Trajectories of the Middle East and Europe
1. The Honor of Virgins: The Biblical Roots of Patriarchy
2. A Pirouette in Europe: With Dutch Women in the Lead, History
Part I: Historical Trajectories of the Middle East and Europe
1. The Honor of Virgins: The Biblical Roots of Patriarchy
2. A Pirouette in Europe: With Dutch Women in the Lead, History Changes Course
3. Jerusalem, Rome, Mecca: A Crescent Rises in the Firmament and in Arabia
Part II: How Globalization Advantages Women
4. Global Markets: Putting Homo economicus on the Defensive
5. Fashioning Herself: Women Unbound by Tradition
Part III: Explaining the Islamist Backlash
6. Loathing the Feminine Mystique: The Islamist Resistance
7. Thoughts and Consequences: The Ink of Scholars and the Blood of Martyrs
Part IV: Abroad at Home: European Paradoxes
8. Europe's Winter of Discontent: A Clash of Traditions and Generations
9. An Education: Women and Men in Europe's Poorer Neighborhoods
10. Islamist Tipping Points: Why Think Radically in Europe?