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Surviving Infidelity: How to Heal and Rebuild Trust
A compassionate guide to help couples survive infidelity and improve their relationship.
Living the Teaching Life in a Time of COVID-19
As members of The College English Association prepared for annual conference last spring, the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic led organizers to a now all too familiar decision: the conference had to be cancelled. The CEA Critic Editor Jeraldine Kraver was not...

The US Health Care Industry and COVID-19
Although the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 contains only 15 genes in comparison with 30,000 in the human genome, it has been a powerful adversary. Indeed, the core paradox of U.S. health care – that our nation has the worst population health among high-income...

Collected Blog Series: Well-Being in the Age of COVID-19
At the beginning of the 2020 coronavirus crisis, we reached out to Johns Hopkins University Press authors – experts in fields of health and wellness – for their advice on how to weather this unprecedented storm. We happily received, read through, and published...

Rheumatoid Arthritis and COVID-19
By Tammi L. Shlotzhauer, M.D. These are alarming times for everyone. If you have Rheumatoid Arthritis, there are some additional concerns. With RA, as well as other autoimmune diseases, your immune system responds differently to triggers in our environment. As...

How to Successfully Share Coronavirus Information with an Individual with Dementia Symptoms
By Laura Wayman Whether you are a family caregiver or a professional care provider, it is important to remain adaptable with your care approach to successfully manage dementia symptoms and behaviors. A caregiver who is “dementia-aware” is one who remains open...

Alcoholism and COVID-19
By Michael S. Levy, Ph.D. An alcohol use disorder is often referred to as a chronic relapsing illness. Especially among people who have recently achieved abstinence, it is not uncommon for a person to start drinking again. To avoid a relapse, individuals learn...

Wellbeing for Teens and Kids in the Time of COVID-19
By Kathleen Trainor, PsyD Children all over the country went to school one day, only to be told they were not going back the next. With no preparation, lockers were left full of books, musical instruments abandoned in classrooms, and all sports, school plays...

Living with Diabetes during the COVID-19 Pandemic
By Michael W. Quartuccio, MD Over 10% of the United States population has diabetes[1]. Long-term consequences of poorly managed diabetes include visual impairment, kidney failure, amputations, and a higher risk of heart disease or stroke. However, in the short...

Implications of the Coronavirus for Children
By Edward Bell, PharmD, BCPS Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Drake University College of Pharmacy, Des Moines Iowa Author, Children’s Medicines: What Every Parent, Grandparent, and Teacher Needs to Know (Johns Hopkins Press Health) What Symptoms Does...

Managing Depression during the Coronavirus Crisis
By Susan J. Noonan MD, MPH The COVID-19 worldwide health crisis has had a major impact on us medically, socially, and economically, with significant disruption to our lives and daily routines. It is a cause of monumental stress, newfound fear, and anxiety in...