Lean Semesters: How Higher Education Reproduces Inequity – Q&A with author Sekile M. Nzinga
Why did you write Lean Semesters: How Higher Education Reproduces Inequity? I wrote this book to map neoliberalism in action and to expose the opaque market practices of contemporary higher education institutions that are compounding inequality for Black women...
Adjuncts Are Only Part of the Problem: Sizing Up the Gig Academy
The rise of “academic capitalism”—a term for the broad shift to market-centered university planning and administration since the early 1980s first theorized by Slaughter, Leslie, and Rhoades (1997; 2004)—has transformed nearly every aspect of the postsecondary...
Activism in the Woke Academy
Earlier this year, the Review of Higher Education released a supplemental issue in response to the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) 2018 Conference Theme: Envisioning the Woke Academy. Issue editors D-L Stewart and Lori D. Patton joined us...
Becoming an Academic
Becoming an Academic is the result of nearly 10 years of blogging on The Thesis Whisperer. The blog has become popular with PhD students and faculty in Australia and the UK as a trusted source of advice for people struggling with the “academic hunger games.”...