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Surviving Infidelity: How to Heal and Rebuild Trust
A compassionate guide to help couples survive infidelity and improve their relationship.
Movable Markets: Food Wholesaling in the Twentieth-Century City
Movable Markets is the untold story of the evolutionary movement of the wholesale marketplace for fresh food in the United States from central produce districts to planned industrial parks on the urban periphery. Whereas food histories have traditionally...

Agricultural Partnerships Paying Off for Libraries
In 1990, Library Trends dedicated a special issue to the topic of libraries and agricultural information. After almost three decades, the journal revisited the topic in the third issue of the current volume. Guest editors Sarah C. Williams and Christine D’Arpa...

Behind the Book: The Draining of the Fens
My recent book, The Draining of the Fens, is about the drive to transform a vast wetland in eastern England into arable farmland during the seventeenth century. Today, England’s Fens are among the most fertile farmland in all of northern Europe, but the region...