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Surviving Infidelity: How to Heal and Rebuild Trust
A compassionate guide to help couples survive infidelity and improve their relationship.
Wounded Planet: How Declining Biodiversity Endangers Health And How Bioethics Can Help
The biodiversity crisis is worse than climate change. This was the conclusion of leading international experts, meeting in Paris last week to assess the status of ecosystems. More than 1 million species will be annihilated in the next decades. Plants, insects...

Digging Into New Ethical Issues Around Stem Cells
Discussions concerning the ethical issues related to stem cells have been ongoing for many years, but a special section in the latest issue of Perspectives in Biology and Medicine takes a deep look at some of the newest and most complex issues – including the...

Examining Medical Futility
The journal Perspectives in Biology and Medicine recently published a special issue on decisions involving medical futility. The issue features 21 responses to a paper written by Lawrence J. Schneiderman, Nancy S. Jecker and Albert R. Jonsen. Editor Martha...

How to beat a conservationist at their own game
I want to address my Republican and conservative friends for a second—really anyone that is sick and tired of all this talk about climate change. I’d like to let you in on a little secret: a surefire way to piss off the tree-hugging conservationists that annoy...