The Stories We Tell
We are all story tellers. Yes, even you. You are a storyteller whether you know it or not, whether you admit it or not. Answer this: when was the last time you told someone about an event that happened to you? You had a terrible day because _____ (fill in the...
The “Hidden Pandemic” - The Psychological Impact of COVID-19
By George S. Everly, Jr., PhD, ABPP The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Author: The Johns Hopkins Guide to Psychological First Aid (JHU Press); Rodney Makes a Friend: Helping Your Child Develop...
Practical Lessons in Psychological First Aid
Most of us have directly observed another human in psychological distress, whether it was a friend, a family member, a co-worker, or perhaps a complete stranger. Similarly, those of us who have observed someone in distress have usually been motivated to offer...
Doctors Without Borders in Action
Sociologist Renée C. Fox considers how communications from Médecins San Frontières/Doctors Without Borders keep her connected with the achievements, trials, dreams, and values of medical humanitarian action. She is the author of Doctors Without Borders...