Saving Endangered Species
In his now classic 1985 publication, Michael E. Soulé posed a profound question. He asked, “What is conservation biology?” At the time, his article defined this emerging new discipline. Within his answer was an elegant, philosophical assumption. He stated...
Vertebrate Biology, Third Edition
The First Edition of Vertebrate Biology was published in 1998; the Second Edition in 2012. Since that time, many taxonomic changes and revisions have occurred, many new paleontological discoveries have enabled us to better comprehend the evolutionary origins...
Becoming a Wildlife Professional
The origin of Becoming a Wildlife Professional was conceived after 20 years of experience teaching introductory wildlife ecology to freshmen university students. During the first class of each new semester, students are asked what wildlife career they desire...
Essential Readings in Wildlife Management
Wildlife management and conservation is a relatively new field of study, having its origins in 1933 when Aldo Leopold, the Father of Wildlife Management, published his landmark text, Game Management. The data and information he used were primarily from state...
Walker's Mammals of the World
The history of Walker’s Mammals of the World goes back to the 1930s, when Ernest P. Walker, assistant director of the National Zoological Park in Washington, began assembling data and imagery. First published in 1964, it became a Johns Hopkins University Press...
Behind the Book: The Snake and the Salamander
When Matt asked if I was interested in writing a few paragraphs to accompany each of the illustrations he was creating for a book on the amphibians and reptiles of the northeast, I jumped at the chance. A quick check of his website convinced me that he could...
I Think of You When I See Roadkill
If I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard that from one of my students, I’d be a rich man. Most people hearing that would be downright offended, and understandably so. To 99 out of 100 people it would be an insult. To me, however, it’s like music to my ears...