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Surviving Infidelity: How to Heal and Rebuild Trust
A compassionate guide to help couples survive infidelity and improve their relationship.
Skid Road: On the Frontier of Health and Homelessness in an American City
How can Seattle be both a model city for upward social mobility and a place with our nation’s third highest level of homelessness? I asked myself this question in 2013 as I walked down Yesler Way, the original Skid Road, towards a homeless shelter where I...

Defending Privilege – Q&A with author Nicole Mansfield Wright
Some reviewers have described Defending Privilege as an explainer of the historical roots of our current political warfare. How does your book illuminate current events?These days, government leaders, cable hosts, journalists, and protestors are battling to...
Fixing the Poor: Eugenic Sterilization and Child Welfare in the Twentieth Century
When Fixing the Poor was published in 2017, eugenics seemed like a shameful episode in America’s past. Today, #eugenics is trending. Universities confront their eugenics legacies. Scientists debate whether eugenics policies would work. The White House is...

Lazy, Crazy, and Disgusting: Stigma and the Undoing of Global Health
Stigma is all around us – messages communicated about how you don’t fit, don’t belong, or have no value. Mostly though, unless you happen to be the one being stigmatized, it’s pretty much invisible. Think of the discomfort of flying. As a New Zealander who...

On Technology and Learning
From our seventh floor campus offices, we can visually track the slower pace of summer morphing into the bustle of back-to-school. One day the campus is sleepy. The next, the perimeter of the campus fills with mini-vans and out pour freshmen, their families...