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Surviving Infidelity: How to Heal and Rebuild Trust
A compassionate guide to help couples survive infidelity and improve their relationship.
Semi-aquatic Mammals: Ecology and Biology
Freshwater semi-aquatic mammals represent some of the world’s rarest species living within some of its most threatened habitats. Better known species, including the platypus, North American and Eurasian beavers, the common hippopotamus, and various species of...

Foundations for Advancing Animal Ecology
In Foundations for Advancing Animal Ecology, authors Michael L. Morrison, Leonard A. Brennan, Bruce G. Marcot, William M. Block, and Kevin S. McKelvey examine how wildlife professionals can modernize their approaches to habitat and population management with a...
Educating the Mammalogists of Tomorrow
Mammals inhabit nearly every continent and every sea. They have adapted to life underground, in the frozen Arctic, in the hottest deserts, the coldest oceans, and every habitat in between. Some are terrestrial, while others are arboreal, fossorial, or aquatic...

Of Milk, Mothers, and Infants
The following is an excerpt from Milk: The Biology of Lactation by Michael L. Power and Jay Schulkin. The young mother hurries across the hot, dry sands, her four legs carrying her quickly toward her nest and the four precious eggs within, her tail swaying...

A Book Tour like No Other
“A man, a van, and a crazy plan.” That’s how my editor described it. My coauthors, American’s Larry Heaney and Eric Rickart, knew me well enough to believe I could pull it off. Having spent months in the field by myself studying Philippine mammals, the idea of...

Cheers to ASM—with Mammal Beers, of course
The American Society of Mammalogy meeting wraps up in Minneapolis today, and we could think of no better way of celebrating another successful conference than with Dr. George Feldhamer's exhaustive list of brews-- Mammal-themed brews, that is. Organized below...