“From the sublime to the ridiculous is but a step.” - James Joyce
Bloomsday, June 16, is a celebration of the life of Irish writer James Joyce. Joyce's best known work, Ulysses, widely considered one of the most important works of modernist literature, follows Dubliner Leopold Bloom for a single day (June 16) through stream-of-consciousness and non-traditional prose. "Bloomsday" is commemorated in Dublin and worldwide, with celebrations, marathon readings of the novel, pub crawls, costumed events, and performances.
Ulysses, published in 1922, has been the focus of nearly a century of academic analysis and criticism. And the book's scholarly focus is not just in English departments. Joyce's work has been studied in the fields of psychology, philosophy, social sciences, history, and medicine. Here is a selection of JHU Press journal articles that take a close look at Ulysses from many different academic angles.
Bilingual Obscenities: James Joyce, Ulysses, and the Linguistics of Taboo Words
Maria Kager
Studies in the Novel
Life Lessons from Untimely Death in James Joyce's Ulysses
Gregory M. Downing
Literature and Medicine
James Joyce and the Eastern Orthodox Church
R. J. Schork
Journal of Modern Greek Studies
Medicine in the Age of "Ulysses": James Joyce's portrait of life, medicine, and disease on a Dublin day a century ago
Fergus Shanahan, Eamonn M. M. Quigley
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine
How Does Leopold Bloom Become Ulysses?
John Turner
Philosophy and Literature
"That's the Music of the Future": James Joyce's Ulysses and the Writing of a Difficult History
Irina Rasmussen Goloubeva
"And yet—and yet!": Connections between Stevens's Poetry and Joyce's Ulysses
Bart Eeckhout
Wallace Stevens Journal
The Exile and the University in Exile: Betrayal as Work in the Writings of James Joyce
James Alexander Fraser
Social Research: An International Quarterly