Jeri Kraver on teaching through a pandemic

Jeri Kravner, The CEA Critic

As members of The College English Association prepared for annual conference last spring, the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic led organizers to a now all too familiar decision: the conference had to be cancelled. CEA Critic Editor Jeraldine Kraver was not only gutted about missing this annual event, but now had another challenge: the journals' third issue each year was normally a proceedings of the annual meeting. Along with everything else going on, she was now without a journal issue. But Jeri did what all talented educators know how to do well: change the plan and pivot accordingly. Within a few short weeks, The CEA Critic put out a call for papers for reflections of educators' and students' experiences teaching and learning during the early days of the pandemic. Join us in a candid and congenial conversation to find out how this special issue, Living the Teaching Life in a Time of COVID-19 came together.

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