Lutheran Quarterly Essay Prize
Sponsoring Organization: Lutheran QuarterlyAward Level: Lutheran Quarterly Essay Prize | Award Year: 2024Winner: John W. Hoyum, "Robert Jenson and the Dogmatic Location of Culture"

portal: Libraries and the Academy 2024 Johns Hopkins University Press Award for Best Article
Sponsoring Organization: portal: Libraries and the AcademyAward Level: Johns Hopkins University Press Award for Best Article | Award Year: 2024Winner: Kristin Antelman, "Content Warnings and Censorship"

The Surridge Prize
Sponsoring Organization: The Victorian ReviewAward Level: The Surridge Prize | Award Year: 2024Winner: Jill Galvan, "Love Story's Ontology: Species Feeling in New Grub Street"

Monroe K. Spears Award
Sponsoring Organization: Rice Humanities / SEL Studies in English Literature 1500-1900Award Level: Monroe K. Spears Award | Award Year: 2024Winner: Kent Linthicum, "Rise of British Petroaesthetics in King Coal’s Levee"

Western Association of Women Historians: Barbara “Penny” Kanner Award
Sponsoring Organization: Western Association of Women HistoriansAward Level: Barbara “Penny” Kanner Award | Award Year: 2024Winner: Celia Crifasi, “Fluid Bodies: Wet Nurses and Breastmilk Anxieties in 18th-Century Madrid” in Journal of Women's History

2024 Hopkins Press Journals Catalog is PRSA Maryland's "Best in Maryland" publication
Sponsoring Organization: Public Relations Society of America - MarylandAward Level: Best in Maryland - Publications| Award Year: 2024Winner: Artisanal Intelligence, the 2024 Hopkins Press Journals Catalog

Nursing Clio: "Best Journal Article"
Sponsoring Organization: Nursing ClioAward Level: Best Journal Article | Award Year: 2023Winner: Courtney E. Thompson, “Child-Mothers and Invisible Fathers: The Paradox of ‘Precocious Maternity’ and the Pervasiveness of Child Sexual Abuse in Nineteenth-Century...

Yale Review wins 2024 National Magazine Award
Sponsoring Organization: The American Society of Magazine EditorsAward Level: National Magazine Award - General Excellence in Literature, Science and Politics | Award Year: 2024Winner: The Yale Review

Percy G. Adams Prize
Sponsoring Organization: The Southeastern American Society for Eighteenth-Century StudiesAward Level: Percy G. Adams Prize | Award Year: 2024Winner: Lucia Dacome, "Intimate Connections:Marie Marguerite Biheron and Her 'Little Boudoir'" in Bulletin of the...

CELJ Best New Journal
Sponsoring Organization: Council of Editors of Learned JournalsAward Level: Best New Journal | Award Year: 2024Winner: Cusp: Late 19th-/Early 20th-Century Cultures